An Analysis of the Foreign Policy of the United States and United Kingdom on the Creation of Israel 1917 to 1950

Presenter Information

Madison Reiter


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Dr. Ralph C. Wilcox


This research approaches the ongoing conflicts between Israel and the Palestinian Territories through the lens of policy implementations from the United States and United Kingdom between 1917 and 1950. From an Anglo-American perspective, it considers each government’s viewpoints on Zionism and the Middle East. It pays close attention to the relationships and individuals within each government that can be credited to the policies and initiatives both countries had in favor for and against a Jewish state while also examining the special friendship between the two. Through the study of legislation, foreign policy, speeches, and publications, the kindred actions as well as disharmony in policy demonstrate the distinct role each country had. The study unveils how the United States and United Kingdom were key factors in the establishment of Israel. The foreign policy of both countries is used to seek an understanding as to why the violence in this part of the Middle East has ensued for over half a century.

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An Analysis of the Foreign Policy of the United States and United Kingdom on the Creation of Israel 1917 to 1950

This research approaches the ongoing conflicts between Israel and the Palestinian Territories through the lens of policy implementations from the United States and United Kingdom between 1917 and 1950. From an Anglo-American perspective, it considers each government’s viewpoints on Zionism and the Middle East. It pays close attention to the relationships and individuals within each government that can be credited to the policies and initiatives both countries had in favor for and against a Jewish state while also examining the special friendship between the two. Through the study of legislation, foreign policy, speeches, and publications, the kindred actions as well as disharmony in policy demonstrate the distinct role each country had. The study unveils how the United States and United Kingdom were key factors in the establishment of Israel. The foreign policy of both countries is used to seek an understanding as to why the violence in this part of the Middle East has ensued for over half a century.