Fostering Positive Social Interactions in an Inclusive Classroom

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Libenny Saint-Hilaire


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Jolyn Blank


During the early years, children learn to interact with each other in positive ways. Previous research has established the importance of helping young children learn the positive interaction skills that will help them be successful in school. The purpose of this study is to examine the use of Core Boards as a strategy to help children develop positive social interaction skills in an inclusive preschool classroom. This study will focus on two children. Data sources will include audio recordings of classroom interactions, anecdotal records describing children's interactions, photographs, and an observation checklist tracking how often the children used the Core Board to communicate. I expect to describe ways children's use of the Core Board translated to their interaction skills. Supporting young children's development of positive social interaction skills is important because it helps children learn what to expect of relationships with others and how confident they are in social settings.Â

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Fostering Positive Social Interactions in an Inclusive Classroom

During the early years, children learn to interact with each other in positive ways. Previous research has established the importance of helping young children learn the positive interaction skills that will help them be successful in school. The purpose of this study is to examine the use of Core Boards as a strategy to help children develop positive social interaction skills in an inclusive preschool classroom. This study will focus on two children. Data sources will include audio recordings of classroom interactions, anecdotal records describing children's interactions, photographs, and an observation checklist tracking how often the children used the Core Board to communicate. I expect to describe ways children's use of the Core Board translated to their interaction skills. Supporting young children's development of positive social interaction skills is important because it helps children learn what to expect of relationships with others and how confident they are in social settings.Â