Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started
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Submissions from 2005
Microforms: Marriages, Mergers, and Migrations, Anna H. Perrault
Substance Abuse Treatment for Adults in the Criminal Justice System: Treatment Improvement Protocol TIP 44, Roger H. Peters and Harry K. Wexler
Still Looking for Poppa, Vicky Phares, Sherecce A. Fields, D. Kamboukos, Dimitra Kamboukos, and L. Lopez
Race/Ethnicity and Self-Esteem in Families of Adolescents, Vicky Phares, Sherecce A. Fields, M. M. Watkins-Clay, and Dimitra Kamboukos
Are Fathers Involved in Pediatric Psychology Research and Treatment?, Vicky Phares, E. Lopez, Sherecce A. Fields, and Dimitra Kamboukos
Human Rights and Librarians, Katharine J. Phenix and Kathleen de la Peña McCook
Strategic Management of Marine Ecosystems Using Whole-Ecosystem Simulation Modelling: The ‘Back to the Future’ Policy Approach, Tony J. Pitcher, Cameron H. Ainsworth, Eny A. Buchary, Wai lung Cheung, Robyn Forrest, Nigel Haggan, Hector Lozano, Telmo Morato, and Lyne Morissette
Early Intervention Programs That Address Reading and Behavior Difficulties, L J. Porter, Jose M. Castillo, M Curtis, and G Batsche
VISN 8 Patient Safety Center of Inquiry: Direct Support for Clinicians Preventing Wandering and Associated Adverse Events for Veterans with Dementia, Gail Powell-Cope, D. Helen Moore, William D. Kearns, Andrea Baptiste, John Lloyd, and Shawn Applegarth
Chemical Speciation of Environmentally Significant Heavy Metals with Inorganic Ligands. Part 1: The Hg2+– Cl–, OH–, CO32–, SO42–, and PO43– Aqueous Systems (IUPAC Technical Report), Kipton J. Powell, Paul L. Brown, Robert H. Byrne, Tamás Gajda, Glenn Hefter, Staffan Sjöberg, and Hans Wanner
Beyond Facilitation: An Improved CRM Debrief for Safety Training, Carolyn Prince, Eduardo Salas, Michael T. Brannick, and Judith Orasanu
EO‐1 Hyperion, ALI and Landsat 7 ETM+ Data Comparison for Estimating Forest Crown Closure and Leaf Area Index, Ruiliang Pu, Q. Yu, P. Gong, and G. S. Biging
Sexually-Oriented Appeals on the Internet: An Exploratory Analysis of Popular Mainstream Websites, Artemio Ramirez Jr.
The Second Generation of Mental Health Courts, Allison D. Redlich, Henry J. Steadman, John Monahan, John Petrila, and Patricia A. Griffin
Kinesthetic Interaction, Kyle B. Reed, M. Peshkin, J. E. Colgate, and J. Patton
Exploring the Alcohol Expectancy Memory Network: The Utility of Free Associates, Richard R. Reich and Mark S. Goldman
Cue Patterns and Alcohol Expectancies: How Slight Differences in Stimuli Can Measurably Change Cognition, Richard R. Reich, Jane A. Noll, and Mark S. Goldman
Conditioned Taste Aversion and Amygdala Lesions in the Rat: A Critical Review, Steve Reilly and Marina A Bornovalova
Portugal: National Pride and Imperial Neurosis, Bernd Reiter
The Shortcomings of Democratic School Management in Bahia, Bernd Reiter
Reforma Educacional, Exclusão e Racismo na Bahia, Bernd Reiter and Rita de Cassia Dias
Gender and Age Differences in the Topics of Parent-Adolescent Conflict, Kimberly Renk, Laura Liljequist, Jennifer E. SImpson, and Vicky Phares
Using Light Lithophile Elements to Evaluate Crustal Assimilation on Mars, V. S. Reynolds, Jeffrey G. Ryan, W. F. McDonough, and H. Y. McSween
Gender Differences in Response to Homelessness Services, Alexander R. Rich and Colleen Clark
Habitat Range and Phenotypic Variation in Salt Marsh Plants, Christina L. Richards, Steven C. Pennings, and Lisa A. Donovan
Effects of Translocation on Resident and Translocated Gopher Tortoises (Gopherus Polyphemus Daudin) at Brooker Creek Preserve and Seasonal Cycles of Sex and Stress Hormones, S C. Riedl, K Stiles, H R. Mushinsky, and Earl D. McCoy
The Relationship between Mother’s Child Abuse Potential and Current Mental Health Symptoms: Implications for Screening and Referral, Deborah J. Rinehart, Marion Becker RN/PhD, Pamela R. Buckley, Kathy Dailey, Charles S. Reichardt, Carla Graeber, Nancy R. VanDeMark, and Ellen Brown
The Structure of Conscientiousness: An Empirical Investigation Based on Seven Major Personality Questionnaires, Brent W. Roberts, Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko, Stephen Stark, and Lewis R. Goldberg
Medicaid Coverage and Medical Interventions During Pregnancy, John Robst, Solomon Polachek, and Leo Turcotte
The Effect of Overlearning on Long-Term Retention, Doug Rohrer, Kelli Taylor, Harold Pashler, John T. Wixted, and Nicholas J. Cepeda
DEVELOPMENTS: Advancing Geriatrics Education: Evaluation of a New Curricular Initiative, Lori A. Roscoe, Ronald S. Schonwetter, and Paul M. Wallach
Geriatrics Curriculum for Clerkship Students: Implementation and Evaluation, Lori A. Roscoe, Ronald S. Schonwetter, and Paul M. Wallach
Minor and Trace Elements in Sclerosponge Ceratoporella nicholsoni: Biogenic Aragonite Near the Inorganic Endmember?, Brad E. Rosenheim, Peter K. Swart, and Simon R. Thorrold
Salinity Change in the Subtropical Atlantic: Secular Increase and Teleconnections to the North Atlantic Oscillation, Brad E. Rosenheim, Peter K. Swart, Simon R. Thorrold, Anton Eisenhauer, and Philippe Willenz
Effects of Antipsychotic Medication on Psychiatric Service Utilization and Cost, Aileen Rothbard, Mary R. Murrin, Neil Jordan, Eri Kuno, Bentson H. McFarland, T. Scott Stroup, Joseph P. Morrissey, Paul G. Stiles, Roger A. Boothroyd, Elizabeth Merwin, and David L. Shern
Mood and Emotion in Major Depression, Johnathan Rottenberg
Emotion Context Insensitivity in Major Depressive Disorder, Johnathan Rottenberg, James J. Gross, and Ian H. Gotlib
Emotional Intensity of Idiographic Sad Memories in Depression Predicts Symptom Levels 1 Year Later, Jonathan Rottenberg, Jutta Joormann, Faith Brozovich, and Ian H. Gotlib
Vagal Withdrawal to a Sad Film Predicts Recovery From Depression, Jonathan Rottenberg, Kristen Salomon, James J. Gross, and Ian H. Gotlib
Vagal Withdrawal to Sad Film Predicts Subsequent Recovery from Depression, Jonathan Rottenberg, Kristen Salomon, James J. Gross, and Ian H. Gotlib
Editions of Oroonoko, 1688-2000: A Historical Perspective, Laura Runge
Gender and Language in British Literary Criticism, 1660-1790, Laura Runge
Momentary Fame: Female Novelists in Eighteenth-Century Book Reviews, Laura Runge
Geology and Petrogenesis of Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks of the Willets-Addie Area, Central Blue Ridge, NC, Jeffrey G. Ryan, Steven Yurkovich, Virginia L. Peterson, Jonathan Burr, Sarah E. Kruse, Judy Harden, and 2001 REU Site Program Participants
Depression in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: The Role of Adherence, Body Mass Index, and Self-Efficacy, William P. Sacco, Kristen J. Wells, Christine Anne Vaughan, Andrea Friedman, Sylvia Perez, and Rebecca Matthew
"I'm OK but You're Not" and Other Peer-Relational Schemas: Explaining Individual Differences in Children's Social Goals, Christina Salmivalli, Tina Ojanen, Jemina Haanpää, and Katlin Peets
Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia During Stress Predicts Resting Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia 3 Years Later in a Pediatric Sample, Kristen Salomon
Acute Stress-Induced Impairment of Spatial Memory is Associated with Decreased Expression of Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule in the Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex, Carmen Sandi, James C. Woodson, Vernon F. Haynes, and Collin R. Park
An Empirical Study of the Effects of Training Sequences on Database Training Tasks and User Outcomes, Clive C. Sanford and Anol Bhattacherjee
Priming of Scenic Layout Measured with an Accuracy Task, Thomas Sanocki
Female College Students and Cosmetic Surgery: An Investigation of Experiences, Attitudes, and Body Image, David B. Sarwer, Thomas F. Cash, Leanne Magee, Emily J. Fleming, and Joel K. Thompson
Body Image and Obesity in Adulthood, David B. Sarwer, Joel Kevin Thompson, and Thomas F. Cash
Geochemistry of Serpentine Muds and Metamorphic Rocks from the Mariana Forearc, ODP Sites 1200 and 778 -779, South Chamorro and Conical seamounts, Ivan P. Savov, Steve Guggino, Jeffrey G. Ryan, Patricia Fryer, and Michael J. Mottl
Geochemistry of Serpentinized Peridotites from the Mariana Forearc Conical Seamount, ODP Leg 125: Implications for the Elemental Recycling at Subduction Zones, Ivan P. Savov, Jeffrey G. Ryan, Massimo D'Antonio, Katherine Kelley, and Patrick Mattie
Simulation-based Investigations of Fishery Changes as Affected by the Scale and Design of Artificial Habitats, M. D. Sayer, S. H. Magill, T. J. Pitcher, L. Morissette, and C. Ainsworth
Graph-Theoretic Techniques for Web Content Mining, Adam Schenker, Abraham Kandel, and Horst Bunke
Coping with Parental Loss Because of Termination of Parental Rights, Kerri M. Schneider and Vicky Phares
Incidental Framing Effects and Associative Processes: A Study of Attribute Frames in Broadcast News Stories, Sandra L. Schneider, Monica D. Burke, Andrew L. Solomonson, and Suzanne K. Laurion
Wandering Behavior in VA Nursing Home Care Units, L. Schonfeld, William D. Kearns, V. Molinari, L. Brown, B. Kallimanis, and D. Werner
Post-spawning Egg Care by a Squid, Brad A. Seibel, Bruce H. Robison, and Steven H. Haddock
Hydrographic and Biological Changes in the Taiwan Strait During the 1997–1998 El Niño Winter, S. Shang, C. Zhang, H. Hong, Q. Liu, G. T. F. Wong, C. Hu, and B. Huang
Binge Drinking and Alcohol-Related Problems Among Community College Students: Implications for Prevention Policy, Felicia D. Sheffield, Jack Darkes, Frances K. Del Boca, and Mark S. Goldman
Evaluation of Florida's Medicaid Managed Mental Health Plans: Year 8 Report, David L. Shern, Pat Robinson, Julienne Giard, Amy Vargo, Patty Sharrock, and Roger A. Boothroyd
The Disobedient Generation: Social Theorists in the Sixties, Alan Sica and Stephen Turner
Work Stress, Self-Efficacy, Chinese Work Values and Work Well-Being in Hong Kong and Beijing, Oi-Ling Siu, Paul E. Spector, Cary L. Cooper, and Chang-Qin Lu
Sociocultural Influences and Muscle Building in Adolescent Boys, Linda Smolak, Sarah K. Murnen, and Joel Kevin Thompson
An International Comparative Study of Work-Family Stress and Occupational Strain, Paul E. Spector, Tammy D. Allen, Steven Poelmans, Cary L. Cooper, Peggy Bernin, Peter Hart, Luo Lu, Karen Miller, Lucio Renault de Moraes, Gabrielle M. Ostrognay, Horea Pitariu, Volodymyr Salamatov, Jesus Salgado, Juan I. Sanchez, Oi L. Siu, Mare Teichmann, Tores Theorell, Peter Vlerick, Maria Widerszal-Bazyl, and Shanfa Yu
The Influence of Communicator Weight on Psychoeducational Message Acceptance in Females with High and Low Levels of Body Image Disturbance, Steffanie Sperry, Joel Kevin Thompson, and Joseph A. Vandello
The Influence of Communicator Weight on Psychoeducational Message Acceptance in Females with High Versus Low Levels of Body Image Disturbance, Steffanie Sperry, Joel K. Thompson, Megan Roehrig, and Joseph A. Vandello
Neurochemical Effects of Cocaine in Adolescence Compared to Adulthood, Kirstie H. Stansfield and Cheryl L. Kirstein
An IRT Approach to Constructing and Scoring Pairwise Preference Items Involving Stimuli on Different Dimensions: The Multi-Unidimensional Pairwise-Preference Model, Stephen Stark, Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko, and Fritz Drasgow
Identifying and Understanding the Effects of Unmotivated Examinees on Test Dimensionality Using Optimal Appropriateness Measurement, Stephen Stark, Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko, and Fritz Drasgow
From Referral to Disposition: Case Processing in Seven Mental Health Courts, Henry J. Steadman, Allison D. Redlich, Patricia Griffin, John Petrila, and John Monahan
Exercising Frame Flexibility, Frederick Steier
Gregory Bateson: Essays for an Ecology of Ideas, Frederick Steier
Patterns That Connect Patterns That Connect: A Thematic Foreword, Frederick Steier and Jane Jorgenson
Domestic Violence Research: What Have We Learned and Where Do We Go From Here?, Carla Smith Stover
Assessing Violence Exposure and Trauma Symptoms in Young Children: A Critical Review of Measures, Carla Smith Stover and Steven Berkowitz
Degradation of Biological Weapons Agents in the Environment: Implications for Terrorism Response, Amy L. Stuart and Dean A. Wilkening
A Spectral-closure Model for Turbulent Flows with Stable Stratification, Semion Sukoriansky and Boris Galperin
Subgrid- and Supergird-scale Parameterization of Turbulence in Quasi-two-dimensional Barotropic Flows and Phenomenon of Negative Viscosity, Semion Sukoriansky and Boris Galperin
‘Application of a New Spectral Theory of Stably Stratified Turbulence to the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Over Sea Ice’, Semion Sukoriansky, Boris Galperin, and Veniamin Perov
A Quasinormal Scale Elimination Model of Turbulent Flows with Stable Stratification, Semion Sukoriansky, Boris Galperin, and Ilya Staroselsky
Petrotectonics of Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks in Blue Ridge Terranes of Western North Carolina and Northern Georgia, Samuel E. Swanson, Loren A. Raymond, Richard Warner, Jeffrey G. Ryan, Steven P. Yurkovich, and Virginia L. Peterson
Lateglacial-Middle Holocene Stable Isotope Records in Two Coeval Stalagmites from the Bihor Mountains, NW Romania, Tudor Tămaş, Bogdan P. Onac, and Ana-Voica Bojar
Contributo ad una Rilettura della Necropoli di Cozzo del Pantano (SR), Davide Tanasi
GGM02 - An Improved Earth Gravity Field Model from GRACE, B. D. Tapley, J. C. Ries, S. Bettadpur, Don P. Chambers, M. Cheng, F. Condi, B. Gunter, Z. Kang, P. Nagel, R. Pastor, T. Pekker, S. Poole, and F. Wang
Photogrammetry, E. Robert Thieler and Cheryl J. Hapke
Effects of Weight-Related Teasing in Adults, Joel K. Thompson, S. Herbozo, S. Himes, and Y. Yamamiya
Assessment of Body Image Disturbance, Joel K. Thompson, Megan Roehrig, Guy Cafri, and Leslie J. Heinberg
Human Multidrug Resistance Associated Protein 4 Confers Resistance to Camptothecins, Quan Tian, Jing Zhang, Theresa May Chin Tan, Eli Chan, Wei Duan, Sui Yung Chan, Urs Alex Boelsterli, Paul Chi-Lui Ho, Hongyuan Yang, Jin-Song Bian, Min Huang, Yi-Zhun Zhu, Weiping Xiong, Xiaotian Li, and Shufeng Zhou
Distress and Disasters: Positive Outcomes of the Great Midwestern Floods of 1993, Graham A. Tobin
Attitudes, Stephen Turner
Causality, Stephen Turner
Determinism, Stephen Turner
Durkheim, Émile, Stephen Turner
Expertise and Political Responsibility: The Columbia Shuttle Catastrophe, Stephen Turner
Explanation, Stephen Turner
Giddings, Franklin Henry, Stephen Turner
High on Insubordination, Stephen Turner