Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started
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Submissions from 2010
Are You a “Real Man”? How Men Earn and Prove Manhood Status, Jennifer K. Bosson
The Emotional Impact of Ambivalent Sexism: Forecasts Versus Real Experiences, Jennifer K. Bosson, Elizabeth C. Pinel, and Joseph A. Vandello
The Emotional Impact of Ambivalent Sexism: Forecasts Versus Real Experiences, Jennifer K. Bosson, Elizabeth C. Pinel, and Joseph A. Vandello
Conspirator: Lenin in Exile, by Rappaport, Helen, Kees Boterbloem
Treason in the Northern Quarter: War, Terror and the Rule of Law in the Dutch Revolt, by Henk van Nierop., Kees Boterbloem
Trotsky: A Biography. By Robert Service., Kees Boterbloem
Review of Massenmord und Lagerhaft by Rolf Binner, Bernd Bonwetsch and Marc Junge, Kees Boterbloem
Russia and Europe: The Koenraad van Klenk Embassy to Moscow (1675-76), Kees Boterbloem
Real-Time Locating Systems (RTLS) to Improve Fall Detection, Mary E. Bowen, Jeffrey Craighead, Chadwick A. Wingrave, and William D. Kearns
Poor Reported Sleep Quality Predicts Low Positive Affect in Daily Life among Healthy and Mood-disordered Persons, Bethanne Bower, Lauren M. Bylsma, Bethany H. Morris, and Johnathan Rottenberg
Delivering Sustainable Infrastructure that Supports the Urban Built Environment, Carol Boyle, Gavin Mudd, James R. Mihelcic, and Maya A. Trotz
What Is Method Variance and How Can We Cope With It? A Panel Discussion, Michael T. Brannick, David Chan, James M. Conway, Charles E. Lance, and Paul E. Spector
Caribbean Immigrants’ Discourses: Cultural, Moral, and Personal Stories About Workplace Communication in the United States, Melissa J. Bridgewater and Patrice M. Buzzanell
The Said and the Unsaid: Performative Guiding in a Jerusalem Neighborhood, Eldad Brin and Chaim Noy
Paleosinkholes and Modern Sinkholes in the Brooksville Ridge Region of Florida, USA: Clues to Landscape Genesis, R. Brinkmann, Mark R. Hafen, and P. van Beynen
Comparing Models of Evolution for Ordered and Disordered Proteins, Celeste J. Brown, Audra K. Johnson, and Gary W. Daughdrill
Psychiatric Disorders and Sexual Risk among Adolescents in Mental Health Treatment, Larry K. Brown, Wendy Hadley, Angela Stewart, Celia Lescano, Laura Whiteley, Geri Donenberg, and Ralph DiClemente
On the Prebiotic Potential of Reduced Oxidation State Phosphorus: the H-phosphinate–pyruvate System, David E. Bryant, Katie E.R. Marriott, Stuart A. Macgregor, Colin Kilner, Matthew A. Pasek, and Terence P. Kee
Iron-binding Ligand Production and Copper Speciation in an Incubation Experiment of Antarctic Peninsula Shelf Waters From the Bransfield Strait, Southern Ocean, Kristen N. Buck, Karen Selph, and Katherine Barbeau
Partitioning of Food Resources in Bathypelagic Micronekton in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Scott E. Burghart, Thomas L. Hopkins, and Joseph J. Torres
Copyright for instructors, Merilyn S. Burke
Feminist Discursive Ethics, Patrice M. Buzzanell
Resilience: Talking, Resisting, and Imagining New Normalcies Into Being, Patrice M. Buzzanell
What Men Say About Women: Fathers Contemplate Work Family Choices and Motherhood, Patrice M. Buzzanell, Suzy D’Enbeau, and John Duckworth
Problematizing Political Economy Differences and their Respective Work-Life Policy Constructions, Patrice M. Buzzanell, Rebecca L. Dohrman, and Suzy D'Enbeau
Uncovering the Dynamics of Emotion Regulation and Dysfunction in Daily Life with Ecological Momentary Assessment, Lauren M. Bylsma and Johnathan Rottenberg
Sensors and Systems for in situ Observations of Marine Carbon Dioxide System Variables, R. H. Byrne, M. D. DeGrandpre, R. Timothy Short, Todd R. Martz, Liliane Merlivat, Craig McNeil, Fred L. Sayles, Ryan Bell, and Peer Fietzek
Comparative Carbonate and Hydroxide Complexation of Cations in Seawater, Robert H. Byrne
Direct Observations of Basin-wide Acidification of the North Pacific Ocean, Robert H. Byrne, Sabine Mecking, Richard A. Feely, and Xuewu Liu
Complexation of Pb(II) by Chloride Ions in Aqueous Solutions, Robert H. Byrne, Wensheng Yao, Yanxin Luo, and Frank J. Millero
A Meta-Meta-Analysis: Empirical Review of Statistical Power, Type I Error Rates, Effect Sizes, and Model Selection of Meta-Analyses Published in Psychology, Guy Cafri, J. D. Kromrey, and Michael T. Brannick
What Have the Difference Scores Not Been Telling Us? A Critique of the Use of Self—Ideal Discrepancy in the Assessment of Body Image and Evaluation of an Alternative Data-Analytic Framework, Guy Cafri, Patricia Van Den Berg, and Michael T. Brannick
Transpressional Rupture of an Unmapped Fault During the 2010 Haiti Earthquake, Eric Calais, Andrew Freed, Glen Mattioli, Falk Amelung, Sigurjón Jónsson, Pamela Jansma, Sang-Hoon Hong, Timothy H. Dixon, Claude Prépetit, and Roberte Momplaisir
Toward Improving Student Learning: Policy Issues and Design Structures in Course-Level Outcomes Assessment, James Carey and Vicki L. Gregory
The College and Noncollege Experience: A Review of the Factors That Influence Drinking Behavior in Young Adulthood, Ashlee C. Carter, Karen O. Brandon, and Mark S. Goldman
A Raman Spectroscopic Study of a Fulgurite, Elizabeth A. Carter, Michael D. Hargreaves, Terence P. Kee, Matthew A. Pasek, and Howell G.M. Edwards
Rapid Raman Mapping of a Fulgurite, Elizabeth A. Carter, Matthew A. Pasek, Tim Smith, Terence P. Kee, Peter Hines, and Howell G.M. Edwards
Changes in Sources and Perceived Quality of Social Supports Among Formerly Homeless Persons Receiving Assertive Community Treatment Services, Adam D. Carton, M. Scott Young, and Kristine M. Kelly
Animal Models of Alzheimer's Disease, Gemma Casadesus, Gary Arendash, Frank Laferla, and Mike McDonald
False Hope: Effects of Social Class and Health Policy on Oral Health Inequalities for Migrant Farmworker Families, Heide Castaneda, Iraida V. Carrion, Nolan Kline, and Dinorah M. Tyson
Problem Solving/Response to Intervention Evaluation Tool Technical Assistance Manual, Jose M. Castillo, G M. Batsche, M J. Curtis, K Stockslager, A March, and D Minch
Preface, David Castro-Blanco and Marc Karver
Conclusions: Looking Ahead—Future Directions in TreatmentEngagement with High Risk Adolescents, David Castro-Blanco, Marc Karver, and J. Chiechi
Elusive Alliance: Treatment Engagement Strategies with High-Risk Adolescents, David Castro-Blanco and Marc S. Karver
Introduction: The Problem of Engaging High-Risk Adolescents in Treatment, David Castro-Blanco, K. North, and Marc Karver
Comment on the Paleoenvironment of Ardipithecus, Thure E. Cerling, Naomi Levin, Jay Quade, Jonathan G. Wynn, David L. Fox, John D. Kingston, Richard G. Klein, and Francis H. Brown
Ocean Mass from GRACE and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, D. Chambers, John Wahr, Mark E. Tamisea, and R Steven Nerem
A Global Evaluation of Ocean Bottom Pressure from GRACE, OMCT, and Steric-Corrected Altimetry, D. Chambers and Josh K. Willis
Grey Literature in Karst Research: The Evolution of the Karst Information Portal (KIP), Todd A. Chavez
Numeracy: Open-Access Publishing to Reduce the Cost of Scholarly Journals, Todd A. Chavez
Engaging Online Learners: The Impact of Web-Based Learning Technology on Student Engagement, Pu-Shih Daniel Chen, Amber D. Lambert, and Kevin R. Guidry
Short-Term Variability of Suspended Sediment and Phytoplankton in Tampa Bay, Florida: Observations from a Coastal Oceanographic Tower and Ocean Color Satellites, Zhiqiang Chen, Chuanmin M. Hu, Frank E. Muller-Karger, and Mark E. Luther
Short-Term Variability of Suspended Sediment and Phytoplankton in Tampa Bay, Florida: Observations from a Coastal Oceanographic Tower and Ocean Color Satellites, Z. Chen, C. Hu, Frank E. Muller-Karger, and E. E. Luther
Individual Differences, Their Measurement, and Validity, Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko, Stephen Stark, and Fritz Drasgow
Self-recruitment and Sweepstakes Reproduction Amid Extensive Gene Flow in a Coral-reef Fish, Mark R. Christie, Darren W. Johnson, Christopher D. Stallings, and Mark A. Hixon
Who initiates emergency commitments?, Annette Christy, Jessica Handelsman, Ardis Hanson, and Ezra Ochschorn
An Exploratory Analysis on Unsuccessful Image Searches, EunKyung Chung and JungWon Yoon
Examining Categorical Transition and Query Reformulation Patterns in Image Search Process, EunKyung Chung and JungWon Yoon
Sea-Level Rise and Variability: Synthesis and Outlook for the Future, John A. Church, Thorkild Aarup, Philip L. Woodworth, W. Stanley Wilson, Robert J. Nicholls, Ralph Rayner, Kurt Lambeck, Gary T. Mitchum, Konrad Steffen, Anny Cazenave, Geoff Blewitt, Jerry X. Mitrovica, and Jason A. Lowe
Ocean Temperature and Salinity Contributions to Global and Regional Sea-Level Change, John A. Church, Dean Roemmich, Catia M. Domingues, Josh K. Willis, Neil J. White, John E. Gilson, Detlef Stammer, Armin Köhl, Don P. Chambers, Felix W. Landerer, Jochem Marotzke, Jonathan M. Gregory, Tatsuo Suzuki, Anny Cazenave, and Pierre-Yves Le Traon
Evidence-Based Systematic Review: Effects of Different Service Delivery Models on Communication Outcomes for Elementary School–Age Children, Frank M. Cirrin, Tracy L. Schooling, Nickola W. Nelson, Sylvia F. Diehl, and Perry F. Flynn
Qualitative Research in Communication, Kenneth N. Cissna
Gender Specific Issues in Working with Women: A Holistic Approach, Colleen Clark
Relative Frequency of Breast Cancer Website Information Topics: Environmental Risk, Prevention, Detection, Treatment, Awareness, Social Support, and Survivorship, Rose Clark-Hitt, Marleah Dean, Sandi W. Smith, Samantha Nazione, Charles K. Atkin, and Pamela Whitten
Effect of Hurricane Ivan on Coastal Dunes of Santa Rosa Barrier Island, Florida: Characterized on the Basis of Pre- and Poststorm LIDAR Surveys, Vanda Claudino-Sales, Ping Wang, and Mark H. Horwitz
A Preliminary Carbon Budget for the Gulf of Mexico, Paula G. Coble, Lisa L. Robbins, Kendra L. Daly, Wei-Jun Cai, Katja Fennel, and Steven E. Lorenz
World Geography Bowl in Knoxville, Jennifer Collins and Bill Carstensen
Contrasting High North-East Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity With Low North Atlantic Activity, Jennifer M. Collins
The Inactive 2009 Hurricane Season In the North Atlantic Basin: An Analysis of Environmental Conditions, Jennifer M. Collins and David R. Roache
"Every Family Become a School of Abominable Impurity": Incest and Theology in the Early Republic, Brian Connolly
Examining the Terror Management Health Model: The Interactive Effect of Conscious Death Thought and Health-Coping Variables on Decisions in Potentially Fatal Health Domains, Douglas P. Cooper, Jamie L. Goldenberg, and Jamie Arndt
Participation of Older Patients With Prostate Cancer in Medicare Eligible Trials, Benjamin M. Craig, Scott M. Gilbert, Jill Boylston Herndon, Bruce Vogel, and Gwendolyn P. Quinn
Gait Up & Go: A Therapist-Friendly iPod Based Tool for Mobility Assessment, J. Craighead, William D. Kearns, J. L. Fozard, S. Hart-Hughes, and J. Jasiewicz
Pyrometric Temperature Measurement in Concentrated Sunlight with Emissivity Determination, Nathan B. Crane
Characterization of Electrowetting Processes through Force Measurements, Nathan B. Crane, Pradeep Mishra, and Alex A. Volinsky
Self Assembly as an Additive Manufacturing Process: Opportunities and Obstacles, Nathan B. Crane, James Tuckerman, and G N. Nielson
Bidirectional Electrowetting Actuation with Voltage Polarity Dependence, Nathan B. Crane, Alex A. Volinsky, Pradeep Mishra, Ajay Rajgadkar, and Mehdi Khodayari
Diabetes and Cognitive Decline: Investigating the Potential Influence of Factors Related to Health Disparities, Michael Crowe, Andrea Sartori, Olivio J. Clay, Virginia G. Wadley, Ross Andel, Hui-Xin Wang, Patricia Sawyer, and Richard M. Allman
Learning Patterns and Leadership: Working with those that don’t think like us! , Nancy Cunningham
A Review of the Mechanisms and Modeling of Photocatalytic Disinfection, Omatoyo K. Dalrymple, Elias Stefanakos, Maya A. Trotz, and D. Y. Goswami
Low Oxygen Regions in the Oceans, Kendra L. Daly, Francis Chan, and Nancy Rabalais
Sabbatical Leave: Who Gains and How Much, Oranit B. Davidson, Dov Eden, Mina Westman, Yochi Cohen-Charash, Leslie B. Hammer, Avraham N. Kluger, Moshe Krausz, Christina Maslach, Michael O'Driscoll, Pamela L. Perrewé, James C. Quick, Zehava Rosenblatt, and Paul E. Spector
Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behavior from The Functional Analysis and Role Identity Perspectives: Further Evidence in Spanish Employees, Maria Celeste Dávila and Marcie A. Finkelstein
Caregiving and Female Embodiment: Scrutiny of (Professional) Female Bodies in Media, Academe, and the Neighborhood Bar, Suzy D’Enbeau and Patrice M. Buzzanell
Problematizing Classed Identities in Fatherhood: Development of Integrative Case Studies for Analysis and Praxis, Suzy D’Enbeau, Patrice M. Buzzanell, and John Duckworth
Rebuilding Haiti Smarter, Tim Dixon, Falk Amelung, Chris Harrison, Shimon Wdowinksi, and Guoqing Lin
Disaster mental health: Building a research level collection, Claudia J. Dold and Ardis Hanson
Rethinking Collection Development in Disaster Mental Health: An “All Hazards” Model, Claudia J. Dold and Ardis Hanson
Success strategies for thesis students: Creating a video toolbox, Claudia J. Dold and Ardis Hanson
Sea-Level Highstand 81,000 Years Ago in Mallorca, Jeffrey A. Dorale, Bogdan P. Onac, Joan J. Fornós, Joaquin Ginés, Angel Ginés, Paola Tuccimei, and David W. Peate
Time-Geographic Density Estimation for Moving Point Objects, Joni A. Downs
75 years After Likert: Thurstone was Right (Focal Article), Fritz Drasgow, Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko, and Steve Stark
Improving the Measurement of Psychological Variables: Ideal Point Models Rock!, Fritz Drasgow, Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko, and Steve Stark
Surveillance and the Panopticon, Rachel E. Dubrofsky
Characteristics of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in the Nearshore Waters of the Western Taiwan Strait, Cuifen Du, Shaoling Shang, Qiang Dong, Chuanmin Hu, and Jingyu Wu
Gene Regulation: Global Transcription Rates Scale with Size, Huzefa Dungrawala, Arkadi Manukyan, and Brandt L. Schneider
The Religious Aspects in Virginia Hamilton’s The People Could Fly and Other Sources, Cora P. Dunkley
A Descriptive, Multiyear Examination of Positive Behavior Support, Glen Dunlap, Edward G. Carr, Robert H. Horner, Robert L. Koegel, Wayne Sailor, Shelley Clarke, Lynn Kern Koegel, Richard W. Albin, Bobbie J. Vaughn, Darlene Magito McLaughlin, Kim Mullen James, Anne W. Todd, J. Stephen Newton, Joseph Lucyshyn, Peter Griggs, Hank Bohanon, Jeong Hoon Choi, Laurie Vismara, Mendy Boettcher Minjarez, Pamelazita Buschbacher, and Lise Fox