Digital Commons @ University of South Florida - 9th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium and Celebration: Technological Approaches to Site Prediction in Beringian Subarctic Archaeology


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Gladis RubioFollow

Technological Approaches to Site Prediction in Beringian Subarctic Archaeology


This paper discusses the use, feasibility, and potential results of employing GIS (geographic information systems) for predictive modeling in archaeology. Software packages such are ArcGIS and ArcMap can be used to create visual representations of data for analysis and pattern recognition. This is an especially useful prospect in remote areas, where large scale ground surveys may not be reasonable. Determining which specific types of data should be included in a GIS map of the western Subarctic based on their applicability for Beringian archaeology and creating a preliminary model for site prediction in the region are the overall goals of this research.


Social Sciences

Research Type


Mentor Information

Dr. Pluckhan

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Technological Approaches to Site Prediction in Beringian Subarctic Archaeology

This paper discusses the use, feasibility, and potential results of employing GIS (geographic information systems) for predictive modeling in archaeology. Software packages such are ArcGIS and ArcMap can be used to create visual representations of data for analysis and pattern recognition. This is an especially useful prospect in remote areas, where large scale ground surveys may not be reasonable. Determining which specific types of data should be included in a GIS map of the western Subarctic based on their applicability for Beringian archaeology and creating a preliminary model for site prediction in the region are the overall goals of this research.