Monteverde Institute: Tropical Ecology and Conservation
Alternative Title
Variación en la abundancia y diversidad de himenópteros como un indicador de la biodiversidad a través de tres hábitats tropicales en Monteverde, Costa Rica
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Publication Date
August 2007
Loss of biodiversity is becoming increasingly evident and is receiving much attention. Fragmentation and conversion of natural forest into agricultural land in particular are increasingly detrimental to biodiversity. It has been stated that agroecosystems such as agroforestry provide a valuable contribution to the overall biodiversity of the landscape and may even be suitable for conservation efforts (Tylianakis et al. 2005; Klein et al. 2002). This study examined the relative abundance and diversity of Hymenoptera within three habitats: primary forest, an agricultural area, and an open area. This was done by placing yellow plates with honey and soap water in each of the three areas. The plates were left out for five hours and then all Hymenoptera were collected and analyzed to find relative abundance and diversity. It was found that there was no significant difference in the number of individuals or species between primary forest and the agricultural area (Student t-test: t = 3.04, df = 275, p = 0.164). In contrast, there was a significant difference between primary forest and the open area (Student t-test: t = 5.83, df = 53, p < 0.001) and the agricultural area and the open area (Student t-test: t = 7.80, df = 51, p = 0.009). The greatest numbers of individuals were found in the primary forest and the greatest number of species in the agricultural area. The fewest species and individuals were found in the open area. That there was no significant difference between numbers of species or individuals in primary forest versus agroforest may suggest that agroforest could be a suitable area in which to focus a conservation effort.
La perdida de biodiversidad es cada vez mas evidente y ahora esta recibiendo mucha atención. La fragmentación y la conversión de los bosques naturales en tierras agrícolas son particularmente degradantes para la biodiversidad. Se sugiere que los agro-ecosistemas como los sistemas agro-forestales se puede usar para la conservación (Klein et al. 2002). Este estudio examino la abundancia relativa y la diversidad de Hymenoptera en tres lugares: bosque primario, un area agrícola y un area abierta.
Hymenoptera, Fragmented landscapes, CIEE Summer 2007
Palabras claves
Paisajes fragmentados, CIEE Verano 2007
9 pages
Geographic Location
Cerro Plano (Puntarenas, Costa Rica)
Holding Location
Monteverde Institute
English; Spanish
Media Type
Digital Only
Recommended Citation
Ramsel, Jessica, "Variation in the abundance and diversity of Hymenoptera as an indicator of biodiversity across three tropical habitats in Monteverde, Costa Rica, August 2007" (2007). Monteverde Institute: Tropical Ecology and Conservation. 550.