Tropical Ecology and Conservation [Monteverde Institute]

Alternative Title

Efectos del hábitat en el comportamiento de las aves frente a los anti-depredadores


Jodi Anderson



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Publication Date

May 2007


A variety of anti-predator behaviors have evolved in birds because of the far-reaching effects of predation risk. The use of anti-predator behavior is a trade off, as it can dissuade a predator, but it also depletes time and energy from foraging and other activities. Forests provide better protection from predators than do open field habitats. Birds were tested in both forest and open habitat to determine if habitat type had an effect on frequency or aggressiveness of anti-predator behavior. Calls of two different predators were played at different sites in each habitat type, where reactions of birds were observed and recorded. More birds exhibited anti-predator behavior in the open than in the forest (χ2 = 4.27, df = 1, p = 0.04). Birds that inhabited the open areas also reacted more aggressively (χ2 = 13.28, df = 4, p = 0.01). This study showed that the continual conversion of land from forest to non-forest may have serious impacts on bird populations as predation risk will continue to rise. Habitat fragmentation may ultimately cause suitable habitat patches to become too small and too isolated for viable populations to sustain themselves.


Una variedad de comportamientos anti-depredadores ha evolucionado en aves en respuesta a los efectos del riesgo de depredación. El uso de los comportamientos anti-depredadores puede disuadir a un depredador, pero a la vez toma tiempo y energía la cual puede utilizarse en otras actividades. El bosque provee una mejor protección ante los depredadores que los hábitats en áreas abiertas. Las aves fueron examinadas tanto en el bosque como en el area abierta para determinar si el tipo de hábitat tuvo un efecto en la frecuencia o la agresividad del comportamiento anti-depredador.


Birds--Behavior, Fragmented landscapes, CIEE Spring 2007

Palabras claves

Aves--Comportamiento, Paisajes fragmentados, CIEE Primavera 2007


8 pages

Geographic Location

La Cruz (Guanacaste, Costa Rica)

Holding Location

Monteverde Institute


English; Spanish

Media Type



Digital Only





Effects of habitat on avian antipredator behavior, May 2007



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