Tropical Ecology and Conservation [Monteverde Institute]

Alternative Title

El efecto de los comederos para colibríes en las cargas de polen y la diversidad de murciélagos nectarívoros (Glossophaginae) en un bosque tropical nuboso



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Publication Date

November 2008


Bats are some of the most important pollinators in tropical regions. I studied the effect of hummingbird feeders on pollen loads in nectarivorous bats in the Monteverde region. I mist netted bats at two locations Selvatura Hummingbird Garden (deemed high feeder density), and the Santa Elena Reserve (low feeder density). Pollen was removed from the bat’s back using clear scotch tape and placed directly onto microscope slides for examination. A Shannon-Weiner diversity index showed that there was a difference between the pollen diversities (Selvatura H’=5.47, Reserve H’= 4.63) although mean pollen diversity and overall pollen count were not different. These differences could have been attributed to the fact that Anoura geoffroyi was the main species caught at the Reserve while Glossophaga spp. was caught at Selvatura.


Los murciélagos son algunos de los polinizadores más importantes en las regiones tropicales. He estudiado el efecto de los comederos para colibríes en las cargas de polen en los murciélagos nectarívoros en la región de Monteverde.


Bats, Pollen, Cloud forest ecology, CIEE Fall 2008

Palabras claves

Murciélagos, Polen, Ecología del bosque nuboso, CIEE Otoño 2008


6 pages

Geographic Location

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve (Costa Rica); Monteverde (Puntarenas, Costa Rica)

Ubicación geográfica

Reserva Biológica Bosque Nuboso Monteverde (Costa Rica)

Holding Location

Monteverde Institute


English; Spanish

Media Type



Digital Only





The effect of hummingbird feeders on the pollen loads and diversity in nectarivorous bats (Glossophaginae) in a tropical cloud forest, November 2008



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