Tampa Ilustrado
The press was one of the most effective ways for immigrants to connect with their community; newspapers and periodicals disseminated information about native values, American culture, and the immigrants’ connection to both. Tampa’s immigrants wasted no time in establishing newspapers to serve the ethnic enclaves of Ybor City and West Tampa. Tampa Ilustrado was a short-lived newspaper with 31 surviving issues from 1912 and 1913.
These periodicals are extremely rare, and are a treasured part of our Floridiana collections. We are working diligently to digitize other local Hispanic periodicals and monographs to make them more easily available for researchers worldwide.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, May 24, 1913
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
The director of the magazine, Manuel Cadiz, bid everyone a farewell at the beginning of the issue. This is the final issue on file. Other topics included in this issue are gambling, classes for union members and their children, socialist strikes in Romania, women's wedding dresses, and the dances at the Centro Español and Circulo Cubano.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, May 10, 1913
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
In the first article, they announced the opening of the new Latino-Americano Bank. In the following article, a lawyer by the name of Peter O Knight wrote a letter in defense of his actions regarding the Loan Association. The rest of the issue detailed a shipwreck, the death of Carmelita Zaldivar, women's dress for tennis, medical intervention for duels, and how telephones affected hearing.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, April 30, 1913
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
The Loan Association in Tampa went bankrupt and depositors have lost their money. The authors suspected embezzlement as the cause. The following pages discuss the L' Unione and Centro Español picnics, eugenics, and a train explosion that killed a Captain in Europe.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, April 26, 1913
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
A bill was passed in Florida that would prohibit the opening of recreational centers that host films, parties and picnics. The second article defended the US actions taken against Japan and claimed that it is necessary to avoid a "yellow peril" and a Japanese invasion. The Parisian film company, Pathé Frères, captured an X-ray of a beating heart and digestion in the stomach on film.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, April 17, 1913
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
They addressed the issue of members taking advantage of the club benefits in the first article in this issue. The second article claimed that some films shown in theaters are inciting violence in society and harmful films need to be censored. The details of the new Centro Asturiano building were listed and a sketch of the building plans is included.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, April 7, 1913
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
This issue discussed the celebrations for the new Centro Español buildings, highlighted the attendance of the diplomat from Spain and his wife, Juan and Alice Riaño, a fundraiser held for people that were injured in an explosion at the Port of Gijon in Spain, picnics hosted by the Centro Español and the Centro Asturiano, and a boy who could talk to animals.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal March 12, 1913
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
Excitement for the arrival of Dr. Eduardo Dolz from Cuba is expressed in the first article of this issue. The rest of the issue detailed a new Italian opera company coming to Tampa and gave reviews of the performances.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, February 22, 1913
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
In this issue, various topics were discussed including the waltz dance, women's wear for lent, the opera at the Gran Teatro Español, the Centro Español and Circulo Cubano picnics,
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, February 10, 1913
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
The first article in this issue reports on the poor economic status in Tampa. It claimed that unemployment is high due to lay offs and those with jobs are not earning enough to live. The rest of the issue gives a review of the novel "The Sorrows of Young Werther" written by Goethe and discussed the dances being held by the Circulo Cubano and Centro Español.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, January 30, 1913
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
Concern is expressed for Spain because the Maurism movement began to cause issues within the government. One of the articles discussed an experiment on the phenomena of suggestion and mental influence that was done on a pregnant woman to see if her desire for her child to be a musician would allow him/her to be musically inclined. The last page of this issue is dedicated to commending the zarzuelas and the Centro Español's theater for the great performances.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, January 18, 1913
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
In this issue, they feature quotes from William Sulzer claiming that the United States' actions in the Philippines are just as bad as the British's. He went on to mention that the Cuban Platt Amendment would result in a similar outcome. On the following page, they commend the great architecture of the new building for the Spanish Center in West Tampa and detailed the party that was held for its opening. One article advised women and children to use radium as a treatement for angiomas.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, January 11, 1913
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
This issue discussed the ongoing issue of the Philippine rebellion and featured an excerpt of an article written by William Sulzer repudiating the United States' actions. They inform women that if they do not have a fancy enough outfits to excuse themselves from attedning weddings.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, January 5, 1913
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
The first article in this issue discussed the independence of the Philippines and the anti-imperialist Governor of New York's, William Sulzer, support of Filippino independence. They call out the issue of yellow journalism within the newspaper industry and announced a party being held in West Tampa to celebrate the Spanish Society's new building.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, December 28, 1912
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
The first article detailed the overbooking of a passenger steam boat that left 120 people stranded at the Port of Tampa until someone from the Cuban Consul demanded that the company rectify the situation. They obtained train tickets for the passengers and credited them with tickets for the next ship. The Association of Property Owners and Industrialists of Tampa protested against the change to a Board of Commissioners for the local government. The magazine claimed that a commission based government would be eequal to a dictatorship. They offer condolences to the people who were killed in a mass panic in Bilbao, Spain.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, December 21, 1912
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
The first article in this issue discussed the United States' influence and the need to exercise that influence in South America. The following pages discuss the opening of the Centro Español's new building, vagrants in Switzerland, and the plays at the Sans Souci and Centro Español theater.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, December 14, 1912
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
In this issue, a clarification on the previous article about the stowaways was given by the Vice-Consul of the Spanish Consulate, there were various anecdotes featured, and the Centro Espanol and the Sans Souci's plays were praised on the final two pages.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, December 7, 1912
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
This issue included an update on current social events in Cuba surrounding the election of Mario García Menocal and six pages of anecdotal stories.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, November 30, 1912
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
Three Spanish immigrants were killed when they were discovered as stowaways on a ship and the surviving stowaways were convicted for illegal entry. The Centro Español sent a commissioner to Washington DC to vouch for the innocence of the survivors and urged their representative to seek justice for them. The actors who will be performing at the Sans Souci Theater were pictured on page eleven of this issue. An update on the Centro Español's theater was given and has taken a positive turn.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, November 23, 1912
Manuel Cadiz and Manuel Fuente
The first article in this issue discussed the stagnation of the tobacco industry in Florida and attributed it to the lack of advertising. The author goes on to claim that Cuban tobacco is better quality and the least harmful variety to consume.The winner of the race held at the Cuban clubs last picnic gathering, Jose Montero, wrote in to the magazine and announced that he was approached for a rematch. In the final article, the claim that the Centro Español's theater is losing money and the directors should do something about it.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, November 16, 1912
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
This magazine issue addressed the mistreatment experienced by Hispanic Americans in the United States. The following articles go on to discuss the new Centro Español building, the dance held by Los Leales and the Circulo Cubano, and another update on the Centro Espanol Theater.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, November 9, 1912
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
The first article in this issue mentioned the Jack Johnson's, heavyweight boxing champion, charges and questioned if his race had anything to do with them. They included a synopsis of the grand opening dance that was held on November 2nd.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, November 2, 1912
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
In this issue, they discuss Spanish immigrants' abillity to adapt, the Centro Español Hospital, stereotypes about Spanish women in a German newspaper, and symptoms of fatal diseases. Photos of the old and new Centro Español buildings and the hospital's interior exterior are also included.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, October 26, 1912
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
This issue expressed the importance of avoiding socialism, gave advice for women to get married young and for men to be superior in fortune, height and age, provided updates on the progress of the club's new buildings in West Tampa and Ybor City, invited the members to the grand opening dance, and two pages of poems.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, October 19, 1912
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
The first article in this issue discussed social issues such as the feeling of workers and allegiance to ones country. The magazine congratulated the Italian social club, L' Unione, on their new building and detailed the festivities that followed its grand opening. Photos of the building and the officers of the club are included.
Tampa Ilustrado Revista Semanal, October 12, 1912
Manuel Fuente and Manuel Cadiz
This issue included an announcement for the centenary celebration of the Cortes de Cadiz and various anecdotes.