Southeast ICAI Sharing Conference
Spring 2020 brought many changes to higher education. With the switch to remote learning, not only did faculty have to contend with delivering quality content in the online environment, but monitoring academic integrity changed. Whereas before large lecture classes could take proctored exams in person, now these same exams had to occur online, possibly without any sort of proctor. Previously, to try to prevent plagiarized essays, instructors could ask students to write the first drafts during the in-class period, to eventually be compared to the final submission. Now these same drafts were written outside of class and submitted online, without the same supervision.
These academic integrity tips and tricks that faculty teaching face-to-face have gathered and implemented for the span of their teaching careers were no longer available to them. Faculty and the administration had to become creative – both looking to their colleagues who have taught online and to one another for advice.
For this reason, the 2020 ICAI Southeast Regional Sharing Conference focused on Integrity in the Time of COVID-19. This virtual conference, hosted by the University of South Florida, was an opportunity for higher education faculty, staff who support integrity, high school teachers, and both graduate and undergraduate students to meet and discuss academic integrity. The synchronous online presentations emphasize the sharing of practices, examples, and case studies.