Art and Art History Collection (Saskia)

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Saskia, Ltd., Cultural Documentation
Mengs was widely regarded in his day as Europe's greatest living painter. He eschewed the dramatic illusionism and dynamism of the Baroque style in his figural compositions, preferring instead to blend quotations from ancient sculptures with stylistic elements of Raphael, Correggio, and Titian. The results are generally cold, insipid, and contrived, however, and Mengs's reputation has declined precipitously since the 18th century. Some of his portraits display a freedom and sureness of touch entirely lacking in his more ambitious works. Mengs's treatise Reflections on Beauty and Taste in Painting (1762) was also influential in his day. He worked for the Saxon court of Elector Augustus III.
Dresden, Germany, Dresden, Germany, Style: German Neoclassical, School: Neoclassical, Movement: Neoclassicism, German, Painting;, Painting
Geographic Location
Dresden, Germany; Dresden, Germany
Time Period
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Access Restrictions
Only thumbnail images and descriptive information are available to non-USF users. Full access to this collection is available only to authorized users on the USF network on campus or via VPN.
Media Type
Paintings; Pictures
Holding Location
University of South Florida
Recommended Citation
Unknown, "August III, King of Poland (Friedrich August II of Saxony)" (2022). Art and Art History Collection (Saskia). 2447.