Art and Art History Collection (Saskia)

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Saskia, Ltd., Cultural Documentation
Several huge musical instruments figure prominently in Bosch's conception of hell. Their relationship to each other bears strongly fanciful elements, and they have been adapted in form. What is more, the use of these instruments is wholly fantastic. There is a human figure stretched across the strings of a harp; another writhes around the neck of a flute, intertwined with a snake; a third peers out of a drum equipped with bird-like feet, the next one plays triangle while reaching out from a hurdy-gurdy, and even the smoking trumpet displays an outstretched human arm.
Madrid, Spain, Antwerp, Belgium, Style: Netherlandish Northern Renaissance, School: Northern Renaissance, Movement: Renaissance, Dutch, Painting;, Painting
Geographic Location
Madrid , Spain; Antwerp, Belgium
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Media Type
Paintings; Pictures
Holding Location
University of South Florida
Recommended Citation
Unknown, "Garden of Earthly Delights : Hell (right wing) (detail) Garden of Delights : Hell" (2022). Art and Art History Collection (Saskia). 1654.