Art and Art History Collection (Saskia)
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Saskia, Ltd., Cultural Documentation
The picture shows the Garden of Delights. The enigmatic and strange fantasies that people the work of Bosch earned him enormous fame even in his own lifetime, and his creations were widely imitated. But nothing either in his own or in his contemporaries' work equals the invention of the Garden of Earthly Delights triptych, justly his most famous painting. These may be illustrations of proverbs: for instance, the pair of lovers in the glass bubble would recall the proverb 'Pleasure is as fragile as glass'. This approach also provides a link between these fantasies.
Madrid, Spain, Antwerp, Belgium, Style: Netherlandish Northern Renaissance, School: Northern Renaissance, Movement: Renaissance, Dutch, Painting;, Painting
Geographic Location
Madrid, Spain; Antwerp, Belgium
Time Period
Ca. 1500
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Media Type
Paintings; Pictures
Holding Location
University of South Florida
Recommended Citation
Unknown, "The Garden of Earthly Delights (central panel) Garden of Delights" (2022). Art and Art History Collection (Saskia). 1642.