Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 8-13-2024


ACL tear, ligament tears, musculoskeletal radiology, sports injury, MRI, ultrasound


Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries greatly affect patient quality of life, necessitating the early identification of additional injuries for faster recovery and appropriate surgical care. Although injuries to the medial meniscus and medial collateral ligament are commonly linked with ACL injuries, there is less awareness of other significant but less recognized ligament lesions in ACL-deficient patients. These less-common injuries include meniscal ramp lesions and meniscal root tears. Research indicates that concomitant ramp lesions are present in 15%-42% of ACL reconstructions, lateral meniscal root tears in 10%-14%, and medial meniscal root tears in a mere 3%. Despite their lower incidence, meniscal ramp and root meniscal tears are often overlooked in initial imaging but are more frequent than previously thought. This article emphasizes the need for heightened awareness and preoperative identification of these lesions, addressing their imaging challenges, and suggesting improved imaging practices to enhance diagnosis and treatment outcomes. By increasing radiologists' awareness of these injuries, diagnostic accuracy can be improved, ultimately optimizing patient recovery.
