Binder 4: Photographs and Images


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McRoy Seagrass Phenology - Miskito Bank



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Multiple bar graphs depicting characteristics of the plant community in the Miskito Cays seagrass transect done by Dr. John C. Ogden and his colleagues during their research expedition to Miskito Bank, Nicaragua aboard the R/V [Research Vessel] Alpha Helix from October 13, 1977 to November 18, 1977. A transect is an ecological research method used to describe the organisms found in an area. There are a total of ten individual bar graphs arranged into a five by two grid. Each row in the grid represents the transect location (MT-1 through MT-5) that the bar graphs represent. The map in the "Cruise Narrative and Log" section of the Miskito Bank Expedition, Nicaragua binder of the Dr. John Ogden Florida and Caribbean Reef Collection shows the exact locations of the research transect stations MT-1 through MT-5 at the Miskito Cays, Nicaragua. The bar graphs on the left portion of the grid show the density of plants (in grams per square meter) on the x-axis for different types and parts of plants, including plant litter, algae, leaves, and roots. The bar graphs on the right portion of the grid show both leaf area index (LAI) and density on the x-axis. Leaf area index is a measure of the amount of leaves per unit of ground. Density is shown for both turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) and manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme).


Marine Biology Research, Miskito Coast (Nicaragua and Honduras), Marine plants, Seagrasses, Leaf area index


2 x 2 inches plastic projector slide with 35mm color photographic film in the center of the slide.



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Color slides




Marine Biology Research, Miskito Coast (Nicaragua and Honduras), Marine plants, Seagrasses, Leaf area index


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