Field Notes, July 16-23, 1991
John C. Ogden
Field notes written by Dr. John C. Ogden describing the research activities of he and his wife at the San Blas Islands of Panama in 1991. The field notes describe the marine species (including corals, fish, urchins, and algae) observed and the overall conditions of the coral reefs of the San Blas Islands. Included in the field notes are hand-drawn maps of research locations showing the locations of coral species and other aquatic species observed. Also included are numeric data related to numbers of fish observed at particular fish migration routes. Dr. John Ogden and Nancy Ogden were returning to the San Blas Islands of Panama in 1991 after they had previously done research in the same area twenty years earlier in 1971. Their research aim was to document and investigate changes in the coral reefs of the San Blas Islands which had occured over this twenty year period.
Photo Log, July 16-23, 1991
John C. Ogden
A log of photographs taken by Dr. John C. Ogden during his 1991 research trip to the San Blas Islands of Panama. The log lists descriptions of each photograph, stating the location of the photograph and any marine species present in the photograph. Also included are maps of the San Blas archipelago of Panama, including the Lemon Cays.
San Blas Diary, July 14-26, 1991
John C. Ogden
Journal written by Dr. John C. Ogden describing the research trip that he and his wife, Nancy Ogden, took to the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and the San Blas Islands of Panama in 1991. The journal describes daily activities including travel, meeting with colleagues and local citizens of Panama, and research activities. Dr. John Ogden and Nancy Ogden were returning to the San Blas Islands of Panama in 1991 after they had previously done research in the same area twenty years earlier in 1971. Their research aim was to document and investigate changes in the coral reefs of the San Blas Islands which had occured over this twenty year period. Also included in the San Blas Diary are photographs of specific coral reefs from both 1971 and 1991 used to compare change over time.
Summary of Events, September 26, 1969 - March 29, 1971
John C. Ogden
A handwritten summary of events written by Dr. John C. Ogden desribing the daily research activities of research trips to San Blas Islands of Panama between September 1969 and March 1971. The document includes dates and short descriptions of research activities that occured for each day. Also included in the document are a list of people encountered during Dr. Ogden's research, a list of marine specimens preserved, and hand-drawn maps of research locations showing the locations of coral species and other aquatic species observed.
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