Photo Log, John C. Ogden, Roatán and Cayos Cochinos, Honduras, April 27 - May 5, 1995
John C. Ogden
Description of photographs taken by Dr. John C. Ogden during his coral reef reconnaissance survey of the Cayos Cochinos archipelago off the northern coast of Honduras. Descriptions include names of species observed in each photograph, including staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis), elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata), boulder star coral, also called lobed star coral, (Orbicella annularis, formerly known as Montastrea annularis), thin leaf lettuce coral (Agaricia tenuifolia), long-spined sea urchins (Diadema antillarum), and algae of Genera Lobophora and Dictyota.
Log of Survey Trip, John and Nancy Ogden, Roatán and Cayos Cochinos, Honduras, April 27 - May 5, 1995
John C. Ogden and Nancy B. Ogden
Hand-drawn sketches and diagrams of coral reef reconnaissance sites at the Cayos Cochinos archipelago off the northern coast of Honduras. The sketches show the elevation and structure of each coral reef survey site as well as the species of corals, seagrass, and other organisms that were observed there, including staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis), elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata), soft corals (Genus Gorgonia), boulder star coral, also called lobed star coral, (Orbicella annularis, formerly known as Montastrea annularis), sea stars of Genus Oreaster, and seagrasses of Genera Thalassia, Halophila, and Syringodium. The sketches and diagrams were created by Dr. John C. Ogden and Nancy B. Ogden during their coral reef reconnaissance survey of the Cayos Cochinos archipelago.
Station Log, John and Nancy Ogden, Roatán and Cayos Cochinos, Honduras, April 27 - May 5, 1995
John C. Ogden and Nancy B. Ogden
A collection of documents related to a coral reef reconnaissance survey of the Cayos Cochinos archipelago off the northern coast of Honduras, created by Dr. John C. Ogden and Nancy B. Ogden of the Florida Institute of Oceanography at the University of South Florida in St. Petersburg, Florida. Documents include a narrative log (dated April 27 to May 3, 1995) of each survey site (with coral, algae, fish, and other species listed), a technical report titled "Relative Abundance of Marine Benthic Algae at 15 Sites in the Cochinos Archipelago, Honduras" by Nancy B. Ogden, a technical report titled "Reconnaissance Survey of the Coral Reefs and Associated Ecosystems of Cayos Cochinos, Honduras" by Dr. John C. Ogden and Nancy B. Ogden, and a map of the Cayos Cochinos archipelago showing the locations of the reconnaissance survey sites.
Station Profile, John and Nancy Ogden, Roatán and Cayos Cochinos, Honduras, April 27 - May 5, 1995
John C. Ogden and Nancy B. Ogden
A collection of documents related to a coral reef reconnaissance survey of the Cayos Cochinos archipelago off the northern coast of Honduras, created by Dr. John C. Ogden and Nancy B. Ogden of the Florida Institute of Oceanography at the University of South Florida in St. Petersburg, Florida. Documents include a narrative log (dated April 27 to May 3, 1995) of each survey site (with coral, algae, fish, and other species listed), a June 1995 technical report titled "Survey of the Coral Reefs and Associated Ecosystems of Cayos Cochinos, Honduras" by Dr. John C. Ogden and Nancy B. Ogden, a description of photographs taken during the reconnaissance survey, and a map of the Cayos Cochinos archipelago showing the locations of the reconnaissance survey sites.
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