Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Predicting pH at In-Situ Temperature for Aquatic Environments, Sarah E. Bartoloni
Revealing Grounding Zone and Subglacial Processes at Cosgrove Ice Shelf: Seafloor Analogs for the Modern Antarctic Ice Sheet, Rosemary E. Burkhalter-Castro
Characterizing the Temporal and Nearshore to Offshore Spatial Scale of Phytoplankton Assemblages within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Sebastian P. Di Geronimo
Zooplankton Abundance, Composition, and Diversity and Associated Environmental Factors across the Gulf of Mexico and along the Northwestern Coast of Cuba, Shaniqua J. Gladney
Characterizing West Florida Shelf Reef Fish Communities Using a Scientific Echosounder, Edmund A. Hughes
Exploring the Dynamics of September Fish Spawning on the West Florida Shelf Through the DNA Barcoding of Fish Eggs, Keith G. Keel
Satellite-based mapping of seagrass habitats and coastal wetlands in the US Gulf of Mexico and Florida: A remote sensing approach for environmental conservation and management, Luis Lizcano-Sandoval
Subtropical Estuarine Ecosystems Display Both Long-term Stability and Change, Garrett L. Miller
Sea Surface Temperatures, the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current, Hurricane Ian, and Their Junction, Alexander K. Nickerson
Iron Isotope Transformations in Saanich Inlet, Claire Onak
Spatiotemporal dynamics of coastal nekton metacommunities in the western Atlantic, Jonathan A. Peake
Artificial Reefs as Management Tools, Tiff Raetzel
Abundance, Distribution, and Diversity of the Paralarval Cephalopod Community in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Shannon Leah Riley
Modeling Pelagic Feeding in the Gulf of Mexico with Implications for Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management, Rebecca L. Scott
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Environmental chemical analysis method optimization and application to northwest Cuban marine sediment, Thea R. Bartlett
Time series analysis of Pseudo-nitzschia species composition, domoic acid, and environmental conditions in the Gulf of Maine from 2013-2020, Christina Chadwick
Exploring the Impact of Eddies on Southern Ocean Biogeochemical Structure using BGC-Argo Float Observations, Nicola J. Guisewhite
Meta-Analysis of United States Seabird Populations Based on Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Records (1965–2018), Savannah Hartman
Stable Isotopic Investigation of the Hydrological Cycle of West-Central Florida, Toedsit Netratanawong
Examining paleoshorelines in the eastern Gulf of Mexico: Insights on sea level history and potential areas of interest for habitat management, Catalina Rubiano
Stable Isotope Analysis on Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna Eye Lenses Reveals Life History Patterns in the Gulf of Mexico, Kylee M. Rullo
Stable Isotope Analysis of Doryteuthis (Amerigo) pealeii Eye Lenses to Determine Migratory Patterns in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Using Statoliths for Age Determination, Hannah M. Schwaiger
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Continuous Effort Required to Maintain Populations of Outplanted Acropora cervicornis in the Florida Reef Tract, USA, Tiffany S. Boisvert
Elucidating the Sources Supplying Aerosol Iron, Zinc, and Cadmium to the Surface of the North Pacific Ocean with Stable Isotopes, Zach B. Bunnell
Quantifying Environmental Sensitivity of Marine Resources to Oil Well Blowouts in the Gulf of Mexico, Emily Chancellor
Zooplankton Biodiversity in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico and on the West Florida Shelf from 2005 - 2014, Megan Ferguson
Coupling 210Pb and 14C to constrain carbon burial efficiency of blue carbon ecosystems, Tynisha R. Martin
Empirical and Modeled δ13C and δ15N Isoscapes in the Gulf of Mexico and their Application to Fish Eye Lens Migration Studies, Brianna Michaud
Chronological Accumulation of Microplastics in the Gulf of Mexico and Their Acute Effects on Coral Bleaching, Martina M. Plafcan
Determinations of Chemical Equilibria in Natural Waters Using Spectrophotometric Techniques, Katelyn M. Schockman
Interactions between juvenile estuary-dependent fishes and microalgal dynamics, Ian C. Williams
Ocean Eddies and Frontal Zones in the Gulf of Mexico and Straits of Florida, Yingjun Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Metabolic Rate, Critical Oxygen Partial Pressure, and Oxygen Supply Capacity of Farfantepenaeus duorarum at their Lower Thermal Limit, Alexandra L. Burns
From River to Sea: Improving Carbon System Measurement Methods for use in Rivers, Estuaries, and Oceans, Ellie Hudson-Heck
Riverine and Estuarine CO2-System Studies on the West Coast of Florida, Christopher S. Moore
Past Ice-Ocean Interactions on the Sabrina Coast shelf, East Antarctica: Deglacial to Recent Paleoenvironmental Insights from Marine Sediments, Kara J. Vadman
Investigating the Recent History of a Changing Planet with Innovative Isotopic Techniques and New Geologic Archives, Ryan A. Venturelli
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Testing the Efficacy of Recompression Tools to Reduce the Discard Mortality of Reef Fishes in the Gulf of Mexico, Oscar E. Ayala
A Health Evaluation of Gulf of Mexico Golden Tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) and Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Kristina Leigh Deak
A Process-based Approach to Evaluating the Role of Organic Ligands in Trace Metal Cycling in the Marine Environment, Travis Mellett
Investigation of Retention Versus Export of Planktonic Fish Eggs in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, Bich Vi Viviane Nguyen
Development of a Benthic Foraminifera Based Marine Biotic Index (Foram-AMBI) for the Gulf of Mexico: a Decision Support Tool, Bryan O'Malley
Plio-Pleistocene Antarctic Ice-Ocean Interactions in the Ross Sea, Catherine Prunella
Mechanisms of Carbon Movement and Stabilization in Mangrove Wetlands, Carey Schafer
Hepatobiliary Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Pelagic Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico, Madison R. Schwaab
Analytical Methods and Critical Analyses Supporting Thermodynamically Consistent Characterizations of the Marine CO2 System, Jonathan D. Sharp
Large Thecosome Pteropods of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Species Abundance, Spatial and Vertical Distribution With a Temporal Comparison of Shell Thickness, Sarah M. Shedler
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure, Hepatic Accumulation, and Associated Health Impacts in Gulf of Mexico Tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps), Susan M. Snyder
Investigating the Isotope Signatures of Dissolved Iron in the Southern Atlantic Ocean, Brent A. Summers
Modeling Early Life: Ontogenetic Growth and Behavior Affect Population Connectivity in Gulf of Mexico Marine Fish, Kelly Vasbinder
Isotope-Based Methods for Evaluating Fish Trophic Geographies, Julie L. Vecchio
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Use of Spectrofluorometry to Detect Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Marine Environment, Mary Iris Abercrombie
Can Florida's Springs Coast provide a Potential Refuge for Calcifying Organisms? Evidence from Benthic Foraminifera, Kyle E. Amergian
Iron-Virus Interactions: Development and Testing of the Ferrojan Horse Hypothesis, Chelsea Bonnain
DNA Barcoding of Fish Eggs in the Gulf of Mexico, Makenzie Burrows
Ecological Responses of Seascape Heterogeneity, Dinorah H. Chacin
Species Abundance, Spatial and Vertical Distributionsof Large Heteropods (Pterotracheidae and Carinariidae)in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Kristine A. Clark
Zooplankton Community Structure in the NE Gulf of Mexico: Impacts of Environmental Variability and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Kate M. Dubickas
Life History Through the Eyes of a Hogfish: Evidence of Trophic Growth and Differential Juvenile Habitat Use, Meaghan E. Faletti
Population Demographics of Golden Tilefish Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps in the Gulf of Mexico, Greta J. Helmueller
Regeneration of Trace Metals During Phytoplankton Decay: An Experimental Study, Adrienne P. Hollister
Estimating Coastal Water Turbidity Using VIIRS Nighttime Measurement, Chih-Wei Huang
Untapped Potential of Gorgonian Octocorals for Detecting Environmental Change in Biscayne National Park, Florida, USA, Selena A. Kupfner Johnson
High-Resolution Investigation of Event Driven Sedimentation: Response and Evolution of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout in the Sedimentary System, Rebekka A. Larson
Variations of Sedimentary Biogenic silica in the Gulf of Mexico during the Deepwater Horizon and IXTOC-I Oil Spill., Jong Jin Lee
Variations of Global Ocean Salinity from Multiple Gridded Argo Products, Chao Liu
Fish Communities on Natural and Artificial Reefs in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Elizabeth C. Viau
Reconstructing Geographic and Trophic Histories of Fish Using Bulk and Compound-Specific Stable Isotopes from Eye Lenses, Amy A. Wallace
Studies of the Long-term Change of Global Mean and Regional Sea Surface Height, Yingli Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Ecophysiology of Oxygen Supply in Cephalopods, Matthew A. Birk
Remote Estimation of Surface Water pCO2 in the Gulf of Mexico, Shuangling Chen
Spatial Dynamics and Productivity of a Gulf of Mexico Commercial Reef Fish Fishery Following Large Scale Disturbance and Management Change, Marcy Lynn Cockrell
Quantifying the Probability of Lethal Injury to Florida Manatees Given Characteristics of Collision Events., B. Lynn Combs
Diversity of ssDNA Phages Related to the Family Microviridae within the Ciona robusta Gut, Alexandria Creasy
Use of a Towed Camera System along the west Florida shelf: A Case Study of the Florida Middle Grounds Benthic Marine Communities, Katie S. Davis
Using Ecosystem-Based Modeling to Describe an Oil Spill and Assess the Long-Term Effects, Lindsey N. Dornberger
Extending Spectrophotometric pHT Measurements in Coastal and Estuarine Environments, Nora Katherine Douglas
Evaluating the use of larval connectivity information in fisheries models and management in the Gulf of Mexico, Michael Drexler
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Predator-Prey Relationships in a Changing Ocean: From System Design to Education, Ileana M. Freytes-Ortiz
Application of Image Recognition Technology to Foraminiferal Assemblage Analyses, Christian Helmut Gfatter
Evaluation of trace-metal and isotopic records as techniques for tracking lifetime movement patterns in fishes, Jennifer E. Granneman
The Stability of Sand Waves in a Tidally-Influenced Shipping Channel, Tampa Bay, Florida, John Willis Gray
Application of Modern Foraminiferal Assemblages to Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction: Case Studies from Coastal and Shelf Environments, Christian Haller
Integrating Towed Underwater Video with Multibeam Acoustics for Mapping Benthic Habitat and Assessing Reef Fish Communities on the West Florida Shelf, Alexander Ross Ilich
Evaluating Beach Water Quality and Dengue Fever Risk Factors by Satellite Remote Sensing and Artificial Neural Networks, Abdiel Elias Laureano-Rosario
Microbial Associations of Four Species of Algal Symbiont-Bearing Foraminifera from the Florida Reef Tract, USA, Makenna May Martin
Environmental controls on the geochemistry of Globorotalia truncatulinoides in the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions, Caitlin Elizabeth Reynolds
Dormancy in the Amphistegina gibbosa Holobiont: Ecological and Evolutionary Implications for the Foraminifera, Benjamin J. Ross
Optical Remote Sensing of Oil Spills in the Gulf of Mexico, Shaojie Sun
Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Pelagic Sargassum in the Intra-Americas Sea and Atlantic Ocean, Mengqiu Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Packaging of Genetic Material by Gene Transfer Agents (GTAs) Produced by Marine Roseobacter Species and Their Effect on Stimulating Bacterial Growth, Shahd Bader Aljandal
Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Soil Composition and Accumulation Rates in Mangrove Wetlands, Joshua L. Breithaupt
Characterizing Benthic Habitats Using Multibeam Sonar and Towed Underwater Video in Two Marine Protected Areas on the West Florida Shelf, USA, Jennifer L. Brizzolara
Calibration-free Spectrophotometric Measurements of Carbonate Saturation States in Seawater, Erin E. Cuyler
Viruses in marine animals: Discovery, detection, and characterizarion, Elizabeth Fahsbender
Quantity Trumps Quality: Bayesian Statistical Accumulation Modeling Guides Radiocarbon Measurements to Construct a Chronology in Real-time, Devon Robert Firesinger
Characterizing Gross Lesions in Corals on Fringing Reefs of Taiwan and Hainan Island, China, Adrienne George