School of Marketing and Innovation | School of Marketing and Innovation | University of South Florida


Submissions from 2022


Religious Affiliation: Buffering Negative Reactions to Service Failures, Kelly Cowart, Edward Ramirez, and Michael K. Brady


An investigation of influencer body enhancement and brand endorsement, Sarah Lefebvre and Kelly Cowart

Submissions from 2018


Empirical Evidence of the Effect of Colorism on Customer Evaluations, Kelly O. Cowart and Kevin D. Lehnert

Submissions from 2017


Optimal Experience of Flow Enhanced by Telepresence: Evidence from Social Media Use, Jean-Éric Pelet, Saïd Ettis, and Kelly Cowart

Submissions from 2016


Me, Myself, and I: Examining the Effect of Loneliness and Self-Focus on Message Referents, Elyria Kemp, David J. Moore, and Kelly Cowart

Submissions from 2014


Pleasantly Plump: Offsetting Negative Obesity Stereotypes for Frontline Service Employees, Kelly O. Cowart and Michael K. Brady


Targeting Miss Daisy: Using Age and Gender to Target Unethical Sales Tactics, Kelly O. Cowart and Peter Darke


An Examination of Regifting, Esther Swilley, Kelly O. Cowart, and Leisa R. Flynn

Submissions from 2008


A Structural Look at Consumer Innovativeness and Self-congruence in New Product Purchases, Kelly O. Cowart, Gavin L. Fox, and Andrew E. Wilson

Submissions from 2007


The Influence of Consumer Decision-making Styles on Online Apparel Consumption by College Students, Kelly O. Cowart and Ronald E. Goldsmith