
University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing


This study investigates the effectiveness of the mission statement from the strategic alignment perspective while considering the structural support of HR system towards the culture of the firm. Based on the resource-based view theory of the firm, this study posits that the valid mission statement contributes towards sustainable competitive advantage when the HR system is aligned with a valid mission statement and is supportive of the firm’s culture in a double mediation model. The results support this claim and contribute new understanding that strategic alignment requires structural support of the firm’s culture for mission statement effective. Furthermore, this indicates the need to study other intervening variables and suggests future studies to integrate strategic alignment with cultural factors in pursuit of mission statement effectiveness.



Recommended Citation

Toh, S. Y. (2021). In search of the effective mission statement: Structural support of the firm’s culture to augment financial performance. In C. Cobanoglu, & V. Della Corte (Eds.), Advances in global services and retail management (pp. 1–10). USF M3 Publishing. https://www.doi.org/10.5038/9781955833035

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