
University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing


This study explored the idea that consumer learning styles are relevant to the integration of voice-assisted technology (VAT) into consumer products and services. Visual learners found the use of VAT moderately easy when performing simple tasks such playing music, asking about the weather, and asking questions. Auditory learners exhibited stronger sentiment scores as well as willingness to use VAT for tasks that are more complex. Practitioners should focus on improvements in other aspects of modality to strengthen visual learners’ involvement with VAT devices. Auditory learners are best supported through the design of niche products and services that are differentiated by investment in voice technology.



Recommended Citation

Canziani, B., & MacSween, S. (2021). How learning style interacts with voice-assisted technology (VAT) in consumer task evaluation. In C. Cobanoglu, & V. Della Corte (Eds.), Advances in global services and retail management (pp. 1–12). USF M3 Publishing. https://www.doi.org/10.5038/9781955833035

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