"An entrepreneurship innovative curricular module for non-business students" by Ponmalar N. Alagappar, Payam Ansari et al.

University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing


With growing popularity of start-ups and entrepreneurial businesses in various sectors and the government's support towards graduate entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education for non-business disciplines has been expanding in higher education institutes. To infuse entrepreneurial skills among non-business students, entrepreneurship education should be more specific and discipline-based. The relevant medium in the teaching and learning process is a module, which is a resource that contains materials, methods, limitations, and evaluation systematically arranged to best capture the student’s interest. In this paper, we will describe an innovative curricular model that was tested in developing an entrepreneurship module for students of social sciences. The module was designed, developed and conducted for social science students in transforming learning of entrepreneurship, increasing the students’ entrepreneurial intentions and investigate the effect of the designed course on the students’ attitude towards entrepreneurial behavior. This module supports the existing teaching materials by providing opportunities for students to learn independently the concepts described within the module, improve competencies and foster entrepreneurial spirit. This paper discusses a summary of the design process, delivery method, and teaching and learning activities that were implemented.



Recommended Citation

Alagappar, P. N., Ansari, P., & Indiran, L. (2021). An entrepreneurship innovative curricular module for non-business students. In W. B. James, C. Cobanoglu, & M. Cavusoglu (Eds.), Advances in global education and research (Vol. 4, pp. 1–18). USF M3 Publishing. https://www.doi.org/10.5038/9781955833042

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