"COVID-19 and the “most magical place on earth”: Applying the IDEA model to theme park crisis messaging" by Lakelyn E. Taylor, Gaurav Panse et al.

University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing


The global tourism reaches of Orlando, Florida, and the world’s most visited theme park complex, Walt Disney World, provide a unique context for studying global communication in a tourism setting through the crisis messaging efforts. This study explores the reopening of Walt Disney World and subsequent messaging, specifically from a risk and crisis perspective, using the IDEA model to categorize Disney COVID-19 messages. Using a qualitative, etic approach via a codebook based on the IDEA model, the study results determined whether pandemic messages and mentions (the study’s unit of analysis) addressed internalization, explanation, or action.



Recommended Citation

Taylor, L. E., Panse, G., Baker, C., Sellnow, D., Sellnow, T., & Strawser, M. (2023). COVID-19 and the “most magical place on earth”: Applying the IDEA model to theme park crisis messaging. In F. Okumus, B. Denizci-Guillet, M. Tuna, & S. Dogan (Eds.), Advances in managing tourism across continents (Vol. 3, pp. 1–18). USF M3 Publishing. https://www.doi.org/10.5038/9781955833097

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