"Who is the human resources manager? Metaphorical perceptions of human resources managers towards their profession" by Ebru Gozen and Aylin Alan

University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing


The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions of HR managers about the concept of HR Manager. The participants of this study consisted of 53 HR managers working in tourism industry enterprises operating in Antalya in 2023. This study was designed as phenomenology research in a qualitative research approach. The expression like was used to determine the relationship between the source and the subject of the metaphor. In order to determine the basis of the meaning intended to be expressed with metaphors the expression “because” was used. Content analysis method and word query were used in the analysis of the data obtained within the scope of the study. The NVIVO12 program was used for the analysis. Frequency analysis was used to determine the most repeated words. After the analysis, word diagrams of the most repeated words were obtained. In total, 36 metaphors were developed in the study. The metaphors obtained were collected in 9 categories. Metaphors developed by human resouces managers for their own professions are mostly mother, mediator, building foundation, bridge, psychologist, scales, family, father, chameleon, superhero and volcano.



Recommended Citation

Gözen, E., & Alan, A. (2023). Who is the human resources manager? Metaphorical perceptions of human resources managers towards their profession. In F. Okumus, B. Denizci-Guillet, M. Tuna, & S. Dogan (Eds.), Advances in managing tourism across continents (Vol. 3, pp. 1–9). USF M3 Publishing. https://www.doi.org/10.5038/9781955833097

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