Alternative Title

NCKRI Symposium 2: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst



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Publication Date

May 2013


pg(s) 377-381 Delineating habitats for aquatic species of concern present in groundwater systems, and especially those in karst groundwater systems, presents challenges. It is not reasonable to limit the delineated habitat to those portions of a groundwater system that can be directly observed. How then do we make reasonable delineations? Three case histories in the Ozarks region of the central USA illustrate differing approaches for identifying presumptive habitat in recharge area delineations for subterranean species of concern. The first case study of the Tumbling Creek Cavesnail explores the reasoning for designating presumptive habitat downgradient of observed habitat in a cave stream. The second case study of Ozark Cavefish illustrates reasonable designation of presumptive habitat in a complex distributary spring system that discharges water from a well-developed saturated epikarstic area. The final case history illustrates the case for expanding the presumptive habitat in both upgradient and downgradient areas for a Hell Creek Cave Crayfish site in northern Arkansas. Open Access - Permission by Publisher See Extended description for more information.


Conference Proceeding


University of South Florida





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