Alternative Title
National Cave & Karst Management Symposia; NCKMS
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Publication Date
October 2003
16th National Cave and Karst Management Symposium Proceedings, October 13-17, 2003 Gainesville, Florida: Contents: The Florida Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment Model: A Tool For Aquifer Protection In Karst Setttings / Jonathan D. Arthur -- Investigation of Salinity Increases in Sulphur Spring, Tampa, Florida / K. Michael Garman, Sherry Garman, Jitka Hyniova, and Jakub Rehacek -- "Through the Roof" Monitoring Water Quality In Manatee Springs / Thomas H. Greenhalgh, III -- Results of Sampling for Selected Wastewater Constituents In Ground Water In the Silver Springs Basin, North Central Florida / G.G. Phelps -- Florida Spring Glossary and Classification System / Rick Copeland -- Management Controversies at Oregon Caves National Monument / William R. Halliday and Jay Swofford -- Proactive Cave Management on the Hoosier National Forest / Julian J. Lewis and Kelle Reynolds -- Using ESRI ArcPad to Inventory Cave Features / Jon Jasper -- A Comprehensive Cave Management Program at Carlsbad Caverns National Park / Dale L. Pate -- Gray Bat Trends in Missouri: Gated vs. Ungated Caves / William R. Elliott -- Quantitative Real-Time PCR Assays of Bacterial DNA in Sediments of the Flint-Mammoth Cave System with Evidence for Nitrospira Spp. At Sites Undergoing Limestone Dissolution and Karst Aquifer Evolution / Rick Fowler, Eli Roberson, and Shivendra Sahi -- Mercury and Methylmercury in the South Central Kentucky Karst: its Transportation, Accumulation, and Potential Effects on Vulnerable Biota / Kurt Lewis Helf, PhD -- Development of an Index of Biological Integrity for Endangered Species Monitoring in Southern Illinois / Julian J. Lewis and Salisa Taylor Rafail -- Mapping Presumptive Habitat for Subterranean Aquatic Species of Concern / Philip L. Moss and Thomas Aley -- The Foraging Range of a Central Texas Cave Cricket, Ceuthophilus secretus (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae) / Steven J. Taylor, Jean K. Krejca, and Michael L. Denight -- Going for the Gold Award: Girl Scouts, Cavers, and Government Working Together for Cave and Karst Sourcewater Protection / Joseph H. (Joey) Fagan and Jessica E. Fagan -- National Cave and Karst Research Institute 2003: Working Through Partnerships Towards America's Future / Louise D. Hose and Penelope J. Boston -- Creative Partnerships for Water Quality in Karst Areas / Kriste Lindberg -- The Importance of Education in Karst Protection: the Virginia Experience / Carol Zokaites and Wil Orndorff -- Restoration, Not Just Conservation, of Bat Caves -- Need, Methods, and Case Study of a Myotis Sodalis Hibernaculum / Jim Kennedy -- Don't Mess With Mammoth Days in the Pike Spring Basin of Kentucky / Rick Olson -- Ecosystem Management and the Idea of Cave Wilderness In Protecting Karst Resources / Patricia E. Seiser, PhD -- Developing Conservation Sites for Virginia's Significant Caves / Wil Orndorff -- The Western Kentucky University Source Water Protection Program: Educating Water Resource Managers and the Public about the Vulnerability of Rural Karst Drinking Water Supplies / Chris Groves, Elizabeth Robb, John All, and Pat Kambesis -- A Systems Approach for the Understanding of Agricultural Contaminant Sources and Transport within a Karst Groundwater Drainage Basin / Patricia Kambesis -- Survey of Microbial Diversity within Wind Cave Using DNA Analysis, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota / Rolland E. Moore. Open Access - Permission by Publisher Northup Database Collection See Extended description for more information.
Manatee Springs (Chiefland, Florida, United States), Sulphur Springs (Tampa, Florida, United States)
Conference Proceeding
National Cave and Karst Management Symposia
Recommended Citation
Poucher, Sandra; Poucher, Michael; and Rea, G. Thomas, "Proceedings of the 2003 National Cave and Karst Management Symposia National Cave & Karst Management Symposia NCKMS" (2003). KIP Talks and Conferences. 103.