"Proceedings of the 2002 U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, S" by Eve L. Kuniansky and U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group

Alternative Title

USGS Karst Interest Group; USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4174



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Publication Date

January 2002


Contents: Introduction and Acknowledgments -- Agenda.. Integrating Science: Overview of background resources on karst research emphasizing obscure and "grey area" documents / Barry F. Beck -- National Cave and Karst Research Institute-Progress in the first two years / Zelda Chapman Bailey -- Considerations for managing karst in the National Park Service Ronal C. Kerbo. Tracers: Demystifying ground-water flow and contaminant movement in karst systems using chemical and isotopic tracers / Brian G. Katz -- Development of a counterterrorsim preparedness tool for evaluating risks to karstic spring water / Malcolm S. Field -- Comparison of methods to source track bacteria in ground water in karst areas of Berkeley County, West Virginia / Melvin Mathes, Don Stoeckel, and Ken Hyer -- Karst aquifers as atmospheric carbon sinks: An evolving global network of research sites / Chris Groves, Joe Meiman, Joel Despain, Liu Zaihua, and Yuan Daoxian. State and National Programs: Synopsis of karst investigations conducted in Jefferson and Berkeley Counties, West Virginia the U.S. Geological Survey West Virginia District / Mark D. Kozar -- National Karst Map Project, an update / Jack B. Epstein, David J. Weary, Randall C. Orndorff, Zelda C. Bailey, and Ronal C. Kerbo. Structure and Genesis: Karstification along an active fault zone in Cyprus / Richard W. Harrison, Wayne L. Newell, and Mehmet Necdet -- Structural and lithologic control of karst features in northwestern New Jersey / Donald H. Monteverde and Richard F. Dalton -- Three-dimensional geologic framework modeling for a karst region in the Buffalo National River, Arkansas / Kyle E. Murray and Mark R. Hudson -- Stratigraphy-karst relationships in the Frederick Valley of Maryland / David K. Brezinski and James P. Reger. Poster Session Abstracts: Evaluating travel times and transient mixing in a karst aquifer using time-series analysis of stable isotope data / Andrew J. Long and Larry D. Putnam -- Changes in nitrate concentrations in spring waters due to mixing of surface and ground water in the Woodville Karst Plain, Northern Florida / B. G. Katz, A. R. Chelette, and T.R. Pratt -- Use of dye tracing to determine conduit flow paths within source-protection areas of a karst spring and wells in the Bear River Range, northern Utah / Lawrence E. Spangler. Field Trip Guide: Hydrogeologic framework of the northern Shenandoah Valley carbonate aquifer system / Randall C. Orndorff and George E. Harlow, Jr. Open Access Northup Database Collection See Extended description for more information.




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U.S. Geological Survey





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