This collection includes books and book chapters associated with the Karst Information Portal.
Submissions from 2001
A Guide to Responsible Caving, Cheryl Jones, Michael Dale, and Adrian Sira
Vanished Mesoamerican Civilizations, Ernesto González Licón
Ancient Maya Cave Use in the Yalahau Region, Northern Quintana Roo, Mexico, Dominique Rissolo
Ancient Maya Cave Use in the Yalahau Region, Northern Quintana Roo, Mexico, Dominique Rissolo
Ancient Maya Cave Use in the Yalahau Region, Northern Quintana Roo, Mexico, Dominique A. Rissolo
Ancient Maya Cave Use in the Yalahau Region, Northern Quintana Roo, Mexico, Dominique A. Rissolo
Submissions from 2000
Time Among the Maya: Travels in Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico / Time Among the Maya: Travels in Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico, Ronald Wright
Time Among the Maya: Travels in Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico / Time Among the Maya: Travels in Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico, Ronald Wright
Submissions from 1999
De manos y soles: estudio de la gráfica rupestre en Chiapas, Sophia Pincemín Deliberos
De manos y soles: estudio de la gráfica rupestre en Chiapas, Sophia Pincemín Deliberos
Mesoamerican Architecture as a Cultural Symbol, Jeff Karl Kowalaski
The Covenants with Earth and Rain, John Monaghan
Report of Investigations on Ledge 2 at Actun Yaxteel Ahau, Roaring Creek Valley, Belize. In The Western Belize Regional Cave Project: A Report of the 1998 Field Season, pp. 186-204., Vanessa Owen, Sherry Gibbs, and Jaime J. Awe
Cenotes y Grutas de Yucatán, Luis Armando Ruíz Sosa
Cenotes y Grutas de Yucatán, Luis Armando Ruíz Sosa
Submissions from 1998
Cheran: A Sierra Tarascan Village, Ralph L. Beals
History and Mythology of the Aztecs: The Codex Chimalpopoca, John Bierhorst
Hach Winik: The Lacandon Maya of Chiapas, Southern Mexico, Didier Boremanse and IFMS Staff
Practical guide, groundwater vulnerability mapping inkarstic regions (EPIK), Zwahlen F. Doerfliger
Practical guide, groundwater vulnerability mapping inkarstic regions (EPIK), Zwahlen F. Doerfliger
The Cave as a Cosmogram: Function and Meaning of Maya Speleothem Use, Holley Moyes
Submissions from 1997
The Cenote Tour: The Natural Wells of Quintana Roo. Cancun Tips (Winter) pp. 16-17. Cancun., Alex Asher
Atlas des cavités non calcaire du monde [Atlas of the non-calcareous cavities of the world], Courbon P. Chabert
Discovery of a Maya Ritual Cave in Peten, Ian Graham
Tamoanchan, Tlalocan: Places of Mist, Austin Alfredo López
Atlas des régions karstiques : Afrique, Asie, Océanie Atlas of Karst areas : Africa, Asia, Oceania, Jean-Pierre Pèpe, Jacques Choppy, and Jacques Chabert
The Archaeology of Petroglyph Cave, Cayo District, Belize., Dorie Reents-Budet and Barbara MacLeod
The Archaeology of Petroglyph Cave, Cayo District, Belize., Dorie Reents-Budet and Barbara MacLeod
Living with Karst: A FragileFoundation, George Veni, Harvey DuChene, Nicholas C. Crawford, and Christopher G. Groves
Living with Karst: A FragileFoundation, George Veni, Harvey DuChene, Nicholas C. Crawford, and Christopher G. Groves
Submissions from 1996
Aljaranda, Revista de Estudios Tarifeños., L. Bergmann
Aljaranda, Revista de Estudios Tarifeños., L. Bergmann
Building on Sinkholes: Design and Construction of Foundations in Karst Terrain, George F. Sowers
Submissions from 1995
Twin City Tales: A Hermeneutical Reassessment of Tula and Chichén Itzá, Lindsay Jones and Lawrence G. Desmond
Trabajos Recientes en Rancho Ina, Quintana Roo, México, Luis Alberto López Martos
Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture: Anthropological Perspectives, Victor Witter Turner and Edith L. B. Turner
Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture: Anthropological Perspectives, Victor Witter Turner and Edith L. B. Turner
Submissions from 1994
In the Realm of 8 Deer: The Archaeology of the Mixtec Codices, Bruce E. Byland and John M. D. Pohl
Mosojäntel: etnografía del discurso agrarista entre los chʼoles de Chiapas, José Alejos García
Recovery Plan For Endangered Karst Invertebrates In Travis And Williamson Counties, Texas, Lisa O’Donnell, William R. Elliott, Ruth A. Stanford, and Alisa Shull
The politics of symbolism in the Mixtec codices, John Pohl
The politics of symbolism in the Mixtec codices, John Pohl
Painting the Maya Universe: Royal Ceramics of the Classic Period Royal Ceramics of the Classic Period, Dorie Reents-Budet
Painting the Maya Universe: Royal Ceramics of the Classic Period Royal Ceramics of the Classic Period, Dorie Reents-Budet
Seventh Palenque Round Table, 1989, Marlene G. Robertson
Geologic controls on cave development and the distribution of endemic cave fauna in the San Antonio, Texas, region, George Veni
Submissions from 1993
Walking Guide to the Geology of Carlsbad Cavern, C. A. Hill
Hieroglyphs and History at Dos Pilas: Dynastic Politics of the Classic Maya, Stephen D. Houston
The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya, Mary Ellen Miller and Karl A. Taube
Bloodsucking Witchcraft: An Epistemological Study of Anthropomorphic Supernaturalism in Rural Tlaxcala, Hugo G. Nutini
Découvertes dans les grottes mayas, Michel Siffre
Découvertes dans les grottes mayas, Michel Siffre
Submissions from 1992
A Natural History of the Subterranean Environment and Its Associated FAuna, Ana Isabel Camacho
The Pselaphidae (Coleoptera) of Texas caves. Texas Mem. Mus. Speleolog. Monogr., D. S. Chandler
A Forest of Kings: the Untold Story of the Ancient Maya, David Freidel and Linda Schele
A Forest of Kings: the Untold Story of the Ancient Maya, David Freidel and Linda Schele
Soldiers of the Virgin: The Moral Economy of a Colonial Maya Rebellion, Kevin Gosner
Stabilization of Dakota Sandstone surface of the Faris Cave petroglyphs, Kanopolis Lake Project, Kansas, David A. Grisafe
The Flayed God: The Mesoamerican Mythological Tradition, Roberta H. Markman and Peter T. Markman
Below Belize: Queen Mary Speleological Expedition to Belize 1988 and the British Speleological Expedition to Belize 1989, Nick Marochov and Clare Jarvis
Maya Ceremonial Specialization: Lithic Tools from the Sacred Cenote at Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, April Kay Sievert
Maya Ceremonial Specialization: Lithic Tools from the Sacred Cenote at Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, April Kay Sievert
КАРСТ И ПЕЩЕРЫ ПЕРМСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ Caves and Karst Perm Region, George Veni
Submissions from 1991
The Chicomoztoc of Chichén Itzá, Annabeth Headrick
1991: Proceedings of the Appalachian karst symposium: Radford, Virginia, March 23-26, 1991, Ernst H. Kastning
Estudios de patrón de asentamiento en Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Carlos Silva Rhoads and Concepción María Del Carmen Hernández
Estudios de patrón de asentamiento en Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Carlos Silva Rhoads and Concepción María Del Carmen Hernández
El Paleolítico superior de la cueva de Gatzarria (Zuberoa, País Vasco), Andoni Sáenz de Buruaga Blázquez
El Paleolítico superior de la cueva de Gatzarria (Zuberoa, País Vasco), Andoni Sáenz de Buruaga Blázquez
Corn Is Our Blood: Culture and Ethnic Identity in a Contemporary Aztec Indian Village, Alan R. Sandstrom and Pamela Efferin Sandstrom
Corn Is Our Blood: Culture and Ethnic Identity in a Contemporary Aztec Indian Village, Alan R. Sandstrom and Pamela Efferin Sandstrom
Loltún, Yucatán, Ricardo Velázquez Valadez
Loltún, Yucatán, Ricardo Velázquez Valadez
La gruta de Xtacumbilxunaan, Campeche, Renée Lorelei Zapata Peraza
La gruta de Xtacumbilxunaan, Campeche, Renée Lorelei Zapata Peraza
Submissions from 1990
Restos óseos de murciélagos procedentes de las excavaciones de las grutas de Loltún, Joaquín Arroyo-Cabrales and Ticul Alvarez
Den Forsvundne Tempelby, Christian Christensen
Vision and Revision in Maya Studies, Flora S. Clancy and Peter D. Harrison
Morphology of cave organisms–is it adaptive? Mém. Biospéologie, D. C. Culver, T. C. Kane, D. W. Fong, and R. Jones
Referential Practice: Language and Lived Space among the Maya, William F. Hanks
Life, Ritual, and Religion Among the Lacandon Maya, R. Jon McGee
Aztec Medicine, Health, and Nutrition, Bernard Ortiz de Montellano
Portraits of a Sacred Maya Cave: Photographs of Naj Tunich, Guatemala by Chip and Jennifer Clark., Andrea Stone
Portraits of a Sacred Maya Cave: Photographs of Naj Tunich, Guatemala by Chip and Jennifer Clark., Andrea Stone
Submissions from 1989
The Chinantec Report On The Central And South Eastern Chinantec Region. The Chinantec And Their Habitat, Bernard Bevan
Las Cuevas Mayas: Simbolismo Y Ritual, Juan Luis Bonor
Las cuevas mayas: simbolismo y ritual, Juan Luis Bonor
Las Cuevas Mayas: Simbolismo Y Ritual, Juan Luis Bonor
The Slippery Earth: Nahua-Christian Moral Dialogue in Sixteenth-century Mexico, Louise M. Burkhart
Xochicalco: el mítico Tamoanchán, Román Piña Chán
Xochicalco: el mítico Tamoanchán, Román Piña Chán
Puntas De Proyectil, Cuchillos Y Otras Herramientas Sencillas De Los Grifos, Diana Santamaría Estévez and Joaquín García-Bárcena
Puntas De Proyectil, Cuchillos Y Otras Herramientas Sencillas De Los Grifos, Diana Santamaría Estévez and Joaquín García-Bárcena
Archaeological Investigations in the Southern Peten, N. Grube
Cuevas de la Región de Ocozocoautla y el Río La Venta: El Diario de Campo, 1945, de Matthew W. Sterling con Notas Arqueológicas. Notes of the New World Archaeological Foundation, Maricruz Pailles H. and Ludwig Beutelspacher B.
Tales from Chichicastenango: Tikal, Piedras Negras, Quirigua: legends of the Maya-Quiché, Raúl Pérez Maldonado
Tales from Chichicastenango: Tikal, Piedras Negras, Quirigua: legends of the Maya-Quiché, Raúl Pérez Maldonado
El sacrificio mixe: rumbos para una antropología religiosa indígena, Pedro González Villanueva