"Proceedings of the 2008 Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and " by Barry Frederic Beck

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Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst



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January 2008


Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst Proceedings of the Eleventh Multidisciplinary Conference Tallahassee, Florida, September 22-26, 2008 / Lynn B. Yuhr, E. Calvin Alexander Jr., Barry F. Beck, Editors Keynote: The Problem is the Solution: A History of Seepage, Piping, and Remediation in a Karst Foundation at Wolf Creek Dam / M.F. Zoccola -- Is It Possible to Predict the Occurrence and Behaviour of Sinkholes? / F. Gutiérrez. Session I: Formation of Karst and SinkholesScott Lake: The Formation and Investigation of a Large Sinkhole Occurrence in the Mantled Karst of West-Central Florida / Smith, T. and Christmann, C. -- Bedrock Structural Controls on the Occurrence of Sinkholes and Springs in the Northern Great Valley Karst, Virginia and West Virginia / Doctor, D., Weary, D., Orndorff, R., Harlow, Jr., G., Kozar, M., and Nelms, D. -- Causes of House Subsidence in an Area Adjacent to Illinois' Sinkhole Plain / Panno, S., Larson, T., Pugin, A., Luman, D., Angel, J., and Carrillo, P. -- Soil Creeping in Weathering Crusts of Carbonate Rocks and Underground Soil Losses in Karst Mountain Areas of Southwest China / Zhang, X., He, Y., Wang, S., He, X., Long, Y., and Zhang, Y. -- Hypogenic Karst and Its Implications for Minnesota Hydrogeology / Barr, K., Klimchouk, A., and Alexander, Jr., E. -- Compressive Structural Control on Karst Development / Yan, C., Luo, G., Wang, Y., Chen, M., Zhan, Q., Wan, J., Chen, X., Zheng, J., and Guo, J. Session II: Application of GeophysicsGeophysical Investigation of the Delaware Avenue Sinkhole, Nixa, Missouri / Robison, J. and Anderson, N. -- Electrical Resistivity in Northeastern U. S. Karst - A Case History / Connor, J., McMillen, M., Greene, R., Fischer, J., McWhorter, J., and Jagel, D. -- The Selection and Application of Geophysical Test Methods in West Central Florida Karst Regions / Wightman, M. and Zisman, E. -- Application of Electrical Resistivity Method in Steeply Dipping Karst Terrane / Myat, M., Wamweya, A., Kovin, O., Anderson, N., and Robison, J. -- Karst Characterization of the Marshall Space Flight Center: Two Years Later / Yuhr, L., Kaufmann, R., Casto, D., Singer, M., McElroy, B., and Glasgow, J. -- Application of Surface Geophysics for Providing a Detailed Geotechnical Assessment of a Large Resort Development Site in Anguilla, BWI / Nettles, S., Jarrett, B., and Cross, E. -- Prediction of Karst Occurrences by Interpreting Borehole Data within the Inception Horizon Hypothesis / Filipponi, M. and Jeannin, P. Session III: GIS Mapping and Computer DatabasesA Conceptual Database Model for Spatial Analysis and Resource Managementin Karst / Gao, Y. and Weary, D. -- Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) Hydrologic Data Modelsto Karst Terrain / Taylor, C., Kaiser, W., and Nelson, Jr., H. -- An Assessment of Karst Collapse Hazards in Guilin, Guangxi Province, China / Dai, J., Lei, M., Liu, W., Tang, S., and Lai, S. Session IV: Unique Investigation TechniquesInfrared Imagery of the Karst Terrain of Lancaster County, Southeastern Pennsylvania / Kochanov, W. and Parrish, J. -- Application of Audio Frequency Electrical Penetrative Imaging Technology for the Detection of Karst Features of the Ordovician Limestone in Coal Mines, North China / Hong, F. and Gongyu, L. -- 3-D Photo Real Modeling of Devil's Sinkhole in Rocksprings, Texas / Neubert, B., Bellian, J., Xu, X., McGowan, K., Schindel, G., and Alexander, Jr., E. -- 3D Mapping and Characterization of Sistema Zacatón from DEPTHX (DEep Phreatic THermal eXplorer) / Gary, M., Fairfield, N., Stone, W., Wettergreen, D., Kantor, G., and Sharp, Jr., J. -- Monitoring Soil Void Formation along Highway Subgrade Using Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR): A Pilot Study at Guilin-Yangshuo Highway, Guangxi, China / Jiang, X., Lei, M., Gao, Y., Meng, Y., and Sang, X. Session V: Risk AssessmentUndrained Stability of Residual Soil in Karst / Aktürk, Ö., Drumm, E., Tutluogˇlu, L., and Akgün, H. -- Knowledge Based Geologic Hazard Risk Assessment for Municipal, Transportation, Energy, and Industrial Infrastructure / Perlow, Jr., M. -- Predicting Sinkhole Susceptibility in Frederick Valley, Maryland Using Geographically Weighted Regression / Doctor, K., Doctor, D., Kronenfeld, B., Wong, D., and Brezinski, D. -- A Statistical Approach to Karst Collapse Hazard Analysis in Missouri / Kaufmann, J. -- Estimation of Sinkhole Danger at a One-Building's Site in Moscow, Russia / Khomenko, V. and Aleshina, L. -- A Method of Quantifying Sinkhole Risk / Zisman, E. Session VI: Hydrology of the Woodville Karst PlainConduit Flow Paths and Conduit/Matrix Interactions Defined by Quantitative Groundwater Tracing in the Floridan Aquifer / Kincaid, T. and Werner, C. -- Conduit Prevalence in the Woodville Karst Plain / Chicken, E., Chalise, P., and Loper, D. -- Probing the Plumbing of Wakulla Spring: Instrumentation and Preliminary Results / Loper, D., Werner, C., DeHan, R., Kincaid, T., Chicken, E., and Davies, G. -- Using Numerical Modeling, Age Dating, and Geochemical Analyses to Delineate Contributing Areas to Public Supply Wells in the Karstic Upper Floridan Aquifer, Tallahassee, Florida / Davis, J. and Katz, B. -- Mapping and Drilling of Conduits within the Woodville Karst Plain of North Florida / Yuhr, L., Coane, B., Kaufmann, R., and DeHan, R. -- Modeling Karstic Controls on Watershed-Scale Groundwater Flow in the Floridan Aquifer of North Florida / Meyer, B., Kincaid, T., and Hazlett, T. Session V: Water Management, Monitoring, and RemediationSurface and Groundwater Interactions in Penn State's Big Hollow Watershed / Fennessey, L. and Gaudlip, J. -- Study of Karst Water Quality in Fugu, Northern Shaanxi, China / Yunfeng, L., Xiyu, Z., Yaoguo, W., Weifeng, W., Guohui, S., and Maosheng, Z. -- A Statistical Strategy for Determining Contaminant Impacts of an Industrial Monofill on Karst Springs / Zhou, W., Beck, B., Wang, J., and Pettit, A. -- Rapid Recharge Events in a Karstic Aquifer: An Example from Lake of the White Roses, Lechuguilla Cave, New Mexico / Land, L. and Burger, P. -- Along Strike Migration and Degradation of Halogenated Hydrocarbons at Depth through Fractured Limestone / Ponta, G. and George, L. Session VI: Modeling in KarstThe Hydrogeology of Ebenezer Swamp and Vicinity - Preservation of a Ground-Water Dependant Ecosystem / George, L., Memon, B., and Burston, M. -- Water Level Variation and Prediction of the Pingshan Sinkhole in Guizhou, Southwestern China / Shu, L., Dong, G., Liu, L., Tao, Y., and Wang, M. -- Simulation of Rainfall-Underground Outflow Responses of a Karstic Watershed in Southwest China with an Artificial Neural Network / Chen, X., Chen, C., Hao, Q., Zhang, Z., and Shi, P. -- Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations of Carbonate Systems / Walsh, S., Alexander, S., and Saar, M. -- Analysis and Discussion of Karst Conduit Waves / Loper, D. and Chicken, E. Session VII: Groundwater TracingDye Tracing Animal Waste Effluent in the North Fork Basin, Southern Missouri / Gillman, J., Crews, R., and Prewett, J. -- Dye Tracing within the St. Lawrence Confining Unit in Southeastern Minnesota / Green, J., Luhmann, A., Peters, A., Runkel, A., Alexander, Jr., E., and Alexander, S. -- Spring Characterization Methods and Springshed Mapping / Alexander, S., Luhmann, A., Alexander, Jr., E., Green, J., and Peters, A. -- Dye Trace Study of a New Septic System in Door County, Wisconsin / Alexander, S., Alexander, Jr., E., Green, J., Schuster, W., and Forest, B. Session VIII: Planning and RegulationDevelopment of Proposed Environmental Resource Permit Criteria for Sensitive Karst Areas: In the Southwest Florida Water Management District, Florida, USA / Miller, C. and Miller, C. -- Achieving Karst Aquifer Protection within a Regulatory Framework / Woods, III, J. Session IX: Foundation Design and ConstructionThe Importance of Geologic Characterization of Fault-Controlled Karst at a Raw Water Intake Site / Nealon, J. and Hushebeck, M. -- Numerical Analysis of Embankments Supported by Geosynthetics over Drilled Shafts in Karst Terrains / Han, J., Wang, F., and Miao, L. -- Use of Seismic Reflection Surveying to Enhance Traditional Subsurface Exploration for Karst Evaluation / Roenfeldt, M., Lambert, D., and McCleish, J. -- Foundation Design and Site Development for a New Hospital over a Complex Karst System / Duffy, P. Session X: Sinkhole Mitigation and RepairForensic Geotechnical Engineering Studies of Detection and Mitigation of Karst Sinkholes / Basile, C. and Saxena, D. -- Sand Slurry Injection: An Alternative Remediation for Special Projects / Barfield, S. and Andreyev, N. -- Development of a Business Park in Karst Terrain / Karem, W. and Ealey, B. -- Subgrade Evaluation and Repair of a Roadway Depression Caused by a Deep Seated Sinkhole / Saliba, R., Hudyma, N., and Prakash, B. -- Design Considerations for Underpinning of Structures Affected by Karst Using Hydraulically Driven Piles / Busquets, J., Roda, T., and Bracken, W. -- Cavities Detection and Treatment at a Residential Area under Development in the State of Kuwait / Al-Fares, R. -- Venterspost Town and Village, South Africa: A Sinkhole Farm or Developable Land? / Heath, G., Oosthuizen, A., and Kleywegt, R. -- Detection and Treatment of Sinkholes and Subsurface Voids along Guilin-Yangshuo Highway, Guangxi, China / Lei, M., Gao, Y., Li, Y., Meng, Y., Yu, L., and Gan, F. Session XI: Grouting TechniquesReducing Conduit Water Flow into a Quarry in North-Central Alabama: A Case Study / Burston, M., Memon, B., and Green, D. -- Construction of Grout-Plugs within Karstic Collapse Columns to Restore Flooded Mines: A Case Study at Dongpang Mine, Xingtai, China / Liu, Q., Li, G., and Nan, S. -- Grouting in Karst - Time for New Thinking / Warner, J. -- Two Case Histories of Sinkhole Repair Using Low Mobility Grouting Methods / Miluski, M. and Naples, C. Session XII: Engineering Man's InfrastructureThe Development and Use of Karst Maps in the Location of Highways in East Tennessee / Moore, H. and McDowell, L. -- Karst Evaluation of a 90-Mile Transmission Line / Turka, R. and Gray, R. -- Quarrying in Karst: Geotechnical Estimation of Environmental Risk / Kastning, E. -- Assessment of Karst Activity at Springfield Route 60 Study Site / Myat, M., Muchaidze, I., Wamweya, A., Anderson, N., and Robison, J. -- To the Problem of the Assessment of Karst Economic Risk for Pipelines (by the Example of the Tatarstan Republic Southeast) / Yolkin, V. -- The Vazante Underground Mine, Brazil - An Example of Controlled Water Table Drawdown in Karstic Areas / Bittencourt, C., de Bessa, V., and de Araújo, E. -- Gypsiferous Soils: An Engineering Problem / Solis, R. and Zhang, J. -- Threading the Needle: Designing and Implementing Roadway Improvements in South Central Texas in Areas with Potential Threatened and Endangered Species Karst Habitat / Carothers, S., Cossins, P., White, K., Weissling, B., and Clammons, C. Field trip guide: Karst Hydrogeology of the Woodville Karst Plain Florida / T.R. Kincaid, C.L. Werner. Subscription Required See Extended description for more information.




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