"Proceedings of the 2005 Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and " by Barry Frederic Beck

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Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst



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Publication Date

January 2005


Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst Proceedings of the Tenth Multidisciplinary Conference San Antonio, Texas, September 24-28, 2005 / Barry F. Beck, Editor. Keynote: Karst Hydrogeology and the Nature of Reality Revisited: Philosophical Musings of a Less Frustrated Curmudgeon / E. Alexander Jr. -- Geotechnical Analysis in Karst: The Interaction between Engineers and Hydrogeologists / Bachus, R. Session I: Geology and Origin of Sinkholes and KarstDevelopment and Evolution of Epikarst in Mid-Continent US Carbonates / Cooley, T. -- Sinkhole Occurrence and Changes in Stream Morphology: An Example from the Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania / Kochanov, W. -- Characterization of Desert Karst Terrain in Kuwait and the Eastern Coastline of the Arabian Penninsula / Abdullah, W. and Kamal, H. -- Lithology as a Predictive Tool of Conduit Morphology and Hydrology in Environmental Impact Assessments / Veni, G. -- Case Studies of Massive Flow Conduits in Karst Limestone / Lolcama, J. -- Some New Approaches to Assessment of Collapse Risks in Covered Karsts / Tolmachev, V., Maximova, O., and Mamonova, T. -- Experience of Regional Karst Hazard and Risk Assessment in Russia / Ragozin, A., Yolkin, V., and Chumachenko, S. -- The Gray Fossil Site: A Spectacular Example in Tennessee of Ancient Regolith Occurrences in Carbonate Terranes, Valley and Ridge Subprovince, Southern Appalachians U.S.A. / Clark, G., Kohl, M., Moore, H., and Sasowsky, I. -- Experimental Study of Physical Models for Sinkhole Collapses in Wuhan, China / Lei, M., Gao, Y., Jiang, X., and Hu, Y. -- Void Evolution in Soluble Rocks Beneath Dams Under Limited Flow Condition / Pepprah, E., Birk, S., Liedl, R., and Khire, M. Session II: Modeling Groundwater Flow in KarstQuantitative Groundwater Tracing and Effective Numerical Modeling in Karst: An Example from the Woodville Karst Plain of North Florida / Kincaid, T., Hazlett, T., and Davies, G. -- Conceptualization and Simulation of the Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio Region, Texas / Lindgren, R., Dutton, A., Hovorka, S., Worthington, S., and Painter, S. -- Groundwater Flow in the Edwards Aquifer: Comparison of Groundwater Modeling and Dye Trace Results / Smith, B., Hunt, B., and Schindel, G. -- Sustainable Utilization of Karst Groundwater in Feicheng Basin, Shandong Province, China / Li, Y., Feng, J., Wu, Y., Wang, W., and Huo, D. -- Radial Groundwater Flow at Landfills in Karst / Smith, J. Session III: Karst Hydrology of the Edwards AquiferModeling Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer Using MODFLOW-DCM / Sun, A., Painter, S., and Green, R. -- Fractal Scaling of Secondary Porosity in Karstic Exposures of the Edwards Aquifer / Mace, R., Marrett, R., and Hovorka, S. -- Characterization and Water Balance of Internal Drainage Sinkholes / Hauwert, N., Litvak, M., and Sharp, Jr., J. -- How Karst Features Affect Recharge? Implication for Estimating Recharge to the Edwards Aquifer / Huang, Y. and Wilcox, B. -- Large Plot Tracing of Subsurface Flow in the Edwards Aquifer Epikarst / Taucer, P., Munster, C., Wilcox, B., Shade, B., Dasgupta, S., Owens, M., and Mohanty, B. -- Quantifying Recharge via Fractures in an Ashe Juniper Dominated Karst Landscape / Gregory, L., Veni, G., Shade, B., Wilcox, B., Munster, C., and Owens, K. -- The Hydrologic Function of the soil and Bedrock System at Upland Sinkholes in the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone of South-Central Texas / Lindley, A. Session IV: Prevention and Remediation of Sinkholes and Karstic SettlementKarst in Appalachia - A Tangled Zone: Projects with Cave-Sized Voids and Sinkholes / Griffin, C. and Berry, D. -- Estimating Grout Quantities for Residential Repairs in Central Florida Karst / Madrid, L., Stach, R., Murphy, B., and Chinault, M. Session V: Foundation and Geotechnical Engineering in KarstA Case Study of the Samanalawewa Reservoir on the Walawe River in an Area of Karst in Sri Lanka / Laksiri, K., Gunathilake, J., and Iwao, Y. -- Site Characterization and Geotechnical Roadway Design over Karst: Interstate 70, Frederick County, Maryland / Kutschke, W., Miller, S., Zhou, W., and Beck, B. -- The Geological Characteristics of Buried Karst and Its Impact on Foundations in Hong Kong, China / Chan, S. and Lai, K. -- PA State Route 33 Over Bushkill Creek: Structure Failure and Replacement in an Active Sinkhole Environment / Petrasic, K. -- Grouting Program to Stop Water Flow through Karstic Limestone: A Major Case History / Maciolek, D. -- Sinkhole Case Studies-Is It or Isn't It a Sinkhole? / Zisman, E. -- Micropiling in Karstic Rock: New CMFF Foundation Solution Applied at the Sanita Factory / Ballouz, M. -- Essential Elements of Estimating Engineering Properties of Karst for Foundation Design / Kannan, R. -- Use of the Cone Penetration Test for Geotechnical Site Characterization in Clay-Mantled Karst / Siegel, T. and Cargill, P. -- Soil Stabilization of the Valley Creek Trunk Sewer Relief Tunnel / Bean, J., Morris, M., and Myers, T. -- Highway Widening in Karst / Islam, M. and Ramakrishna, A. -- Design and Construction of the Foundations for the Watauga Raw Water Intake Facility in Karstic Limestone near the City of Johnson City, TN / Canale, T., Drohen, G., and Kaufman, J. Session VI: Karst Hydrology and Dye TracingShallow Groundwater and DNAPL Movement within Slightly Dipping Limestone, Southwestern Kentucky / Ewers, R., White, K., Paschl, K., and Hanish, M. -- Karst Groundwater Resource and Advantages of its Utilization in the Shaanbei Energy Base in Shaanxi Province, China / Wu, Y., Li, Y., Ji, Y., and Wang, J. -- Transport of Colloidal and Solute Tracers in Three Different Types of Alpine Karst Aquifers - Examples from Southern Germany and Slovenia / Göppert, N., Goldscheider, N., and Hötzl, H. -- Ground-Water Basin Catchment Delineation by Dye Tracing, Water Table Mapping, Cave Mapping, and Geophysical Techniques: Bowling Green, Kentucky / Crawford, N. -- Springshed Mapping in Support of Watershed Management / Green, J., Alexander, S., and Alexander, Jr., E. .Large Perennial Springs of Kentucky: Their Identification, Base Flow, Catchment, and Classification / Ray, J. and Blair, R. -- Effects of Anthropogenic Modification of Karst Soil Texture on the Water Balance of ''Alta Murgia'' (Apulia, Italy) / Canora, F., Sciortino, A., Spilotro, G., and Di Santo, A. -- Evaluation of Groundwater Residence Time in a Karstic Aquifer Using Environmental Tracers: Roswell Artesian Basin, New Mexico / Land, L. -- Spectral Deconvolution and Quantification of Natural Organic Material and Fluorescent Tracer Dyes / Alexander, S. Dye Tracing Sewage Lagoon Discharge in a Sandstone Karst, Askov, Minnesota / Alexander, Jr., E., Alexander, S., Piegat, J., Barr, K., and Nordberg, B. --Multi-Level Monitoring Well Completion Technologies and Their Applicability in Karst Dolomite / Kafka, T., Graves, D., Zeeb, P., Wanty, D., and Sacco, S. --Complexities of Flood Mapping in a Sinkhole Area / Campbell, C. -- Environmental Isotope Study on Recharge and Groundwater Residence Time in a covered Ordovician Carbonate Rock / Ma, Z., Zhou, Y., Hinderer, M., and Zhang, R. -- Hydrogeologic Investigation of Leakage through Sinkholes in the Bed of Lake Seminole to Springs Located Downstream from Jim Woodruff Dam / Crawford, N., Poiroux, D., and Sanders, J. -- Error and Technique in Fluorescent dye Tracing / Smart, C. Session VII: Legal Issues and Government Programs Related to KarstNon-Regulatory Approaches to Development on Karst / Richardson, Jr., J. and Brown, T. -- Resolving Sinkhole Issues: A State Government Perspective / Hill, S. -- Judge Dillon and Karst: Limitations on Local Regulation of Karst Hazards / Richardson, Jr., J. Session VIII: Geophysical Applications to Investigating KarstThe Utility of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry in Monitoring Sinkhole Subsidence: Subsidence of the Devil's Throat Sinkhole Area (Nevada, USA) / Al -Fares, R. -- New Applications of Differential Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Time Domain Reflectometry to Modeling Infiltration and Soil Moisture in Agricultural Sinkholes / Schwartz, B. and Schreiber, M. -- Characterization of a Sinkhole Prone Retention Pond Using Multiple Geophysical Surveys and Closely Spaced Borings / Hudyma, N., Ruelke, T., and Samakur, C. -- Detection of Three-Dimensional Voids in Karstic Ground / Morris, D., Gehrig, M., and Bryant, J. -- An Integrated Geophysical Approach for a Karst Characterization of the Marshall Space Flight Center / Yuhr, L., Kaufmann, R., Singer, M., McElroy, B., and Glasgow, J. -- Integrated Geophysical Surveys Applied to Karstic Studies Over Transmission Lines in San Antonio, Texas / Saribudak, M., Hawkins, A., and Stoker, K. -- Residual Potential Mapping of Contaminant Transport Pathways in Karst Formations of Southern Texas / Glaser, D., Rucker, D., McGill, R., Fink, J., Baldyga, C., Hansen, J., and Magliocchino, A. -- Application of Geophysical Logging Techniques for Multi-Channel Well Design and Installation in a Karst Aquifer / Bogle, F., Bentkowski, J., Muffler, S., Webb, R., and O'Donnell, R. -- The Effectiveness of GPR in Sinkhole Investigations / Zisman, E., Wightman, M., and Taylor, C. -- Combining Surface and Downhole Geophysical Methods to Identify Karst Conditions in North-Central Iowa / Wedekind, J., Osten, M., Kitt, E., and Herridge, B. Session IX: GIS, Databases, and Other Computer Applications for KarstMetadata Development for a Multi-State Karst Feature Database / Gao, Y., Alexander, Jr., E., Bounk, M., and Tipping, R. -- Database Development and GIS Modeling to Develop a Karst Vulnerability Rating for I-66, Somerset to London, KY / Krokonko, M., Weber, M., and Gilbert, D. -- National-Scale Risk Assessment of sinkhole Hazard in China / Jiang, X., Lei, M., Li, Y., and Dai, J. Session X: Karst and Sinkholes in EvaporitesGeophysical Identification of Evaporite Dissolution Structures Beneath a Highway Alignment / Rucker, M., Crum, G., Meyers, R., and Lommler, J. -- Karstic Features of Gachsaran Evaporites in the Region of Ramhormoz, Khuzestan Province, in Southwest Iran / Barjasteh, A. Field trip guide: An Introduction to the Balcones Fault Zone Segment of the Edwards Aquifer in South-central Texas / G.M. Schindel, J.R. Hoyt, S.B. Johnson, G. Veni, B.P. Wilcox, C.L. Munster, S.D. Hovorka, C.W. Kreitler, B.L. Shade. 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