Alternative Title

Role Of Hydrogen Sulfide In The Formation Of Cave And Karst Phenomena In The Guadalupe Mountains And Western Delaware Basin, New Mexico And Texas; NCKRI - Special Paper 2



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Publication Date

January 2014


The Guadalupe Mountains have been the focus and leading international example of hydrogen sulfide speleogenesis. Despite the hundreds of published studies on the region, important questions remain. Douglas Kirkland answers many of those questions through his decades of experience with the geology of the Guadalupes and a detailed synthesize and reexamination the literature. His insights and conclusions will prove valuable to understanding the role of hydrogen sulfide to karst development in other parts of the world.

The National Cave and Karst Research Institute is pleased to publish Dr. Doug Kirkland's monograph on the role of hydrogen sulfide on speleogenesis in the Guadalupe Mountains and western Delaware Basin. Dr. Kirkland's work builds on his many years of research in southeastern New Mexico and west Texas, and provides the most comprehensive overview of cave and karst phenomena in the greater Delaware Basin region in almost 20 years. His work incorporates and summarizes decades of research by previous workers, combined with new ideas he has developed on speleogenesis in the Guadalupe Mountains. We feel confident that this publication will serve as an important source book and milestone for future research in the Delaware Basin region for many years to come. Lewis Land Managing Editor February 19, 2014 Open Access See Extended description for more information.


Regional Speleology, United States




National Cave and Karst Research Institute





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