Submissions from 1998
Final report for the Onion Creek recharge project northern Hays county, Texas, Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
Implementation of best management practices to reduce nonpoint source loadings to Onion Creek recharge features A pollution prevention and recharge enhancement project of the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District, Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
Submissions from 1997
Cave Research Foundation Annual Report, Cave Research Foundation
Ground water tracing report for Buttercup Creek property caves: Initial groundwater dye tracing study of the Buttercup Creek area, Cedar Park, Williamson County, Texas, Nico Mark Hauwert and Mike Warton
Submissions from 1996
Hydrogeology of, and simulation of ground-water flow in, a mantled carbonate-rock system, Cumberland Valley, Pennsylvania U.S.Geological Survey water resources investigations report 94-4090, Douglas C. Chichester
Submissions from 1993
Cave Research Foundation Annual Report, Cave Research Foundation
Extinct sloth recovered from Lechuguilla Cave, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Patricia Jablonsky
The Buttercup Creek karst, Travis and Williamson counties, Texas: Geology, biology and land develpment, William Hart Russell
Submissions from 1991
Cave Research Foundation Annual Report, Cave Research Foundation
Delineation and preliminary hydrogeologic investigation of the Diamond Y Spring, Pecos County, Texas, George Veni
Submissions from 1988
Cave Research Foundation Annual Report, Cave Research Foundation
Submissions from 1986
Cave Research Foundation Annual Report, Cave Research Foundation
Hydrology and water quality of the Edwards Aquifer associated with Barton Springs in the Austin area, Texas, Raymond M. Slade Jr., Michael E. Dorsey, and Sheree L. Stewart
Submissions from 1975
Major and historical springs of Texas Texas Water Development Board report 189, Gunnar Brune
Cave Research Foundation Annual Report, Cave Research Foundation
Submissions from 1973
Cave Research Foundation Annual Report, Cave Research Foundation
Cave Research Foundation Annual Report, Cave Research Foundation
Submissions from 1972
Cave Research Foundation Annual Report, Cave Research Foundation
The freshwater amphipod crustaceans Gammaridae of North America, John Robert Holsinger
Submissions from 1955
Ground-water conditions in the vicinity of Rattlesnake Springs, Eddy County, New Mexico, John R. Erickson