6.8 Reconstructing Landscape Evolution by Dating Speleogenetic Processes
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Publication Date
January 2013
Speleology and karst geomorphology are making important contributions to evolution of landscapes, thanks to more refined dating techniques, more specialized and advanced instruments, and intensive studies of caves and karst terrains. This chapter provides eight cases where cave and karst studies have made, or are making, new strides in the reconstruction of landscape evolution by dating cave deposits. Some of these study areas include world renowned caves such as Carlsbad Cavern and Lechuguilla Cave in the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico, Jewel and Wind caves in the Black Hills of South Dakota, and Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. The authors offer added detail on the caves of the Guadalupe Mountains and Grand Canyon.
26Al/10Be, Carlsbad Cavern, Caves, Grand Canyon, Jewel Cave, Landscape Evolution, Lechuguilla Cave, Mammoth Cave, Radiometric Dating, U/Pb
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Recommended Citation
Polyak, V. J. and Hill, C. A., "6.8 Reconstructing Landscape Evolution by Dating Speleogenetic Processes" (2013). KIP Articles. 9.