Excavations in three ceremonial structures at Mayapán


P. E. Smith


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Department of Archaeology, Current Reports

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During the 1953 field season a program of intensive excavation was begun in selected ceremonial structures in the Main Group at Mayapán. This area clearly had been the ritual heart of the city, and it was considered that careful digging in certain types of structures, followed by analysis of the results and comparison with other types, might throw light not only on the function of the structures but also on the activities carried on in the ceremonial center and perhaps on the stages of growth of the center. This plan was continued in the 1954 field season. Among the structures chosen for attention were three within a stone's throw of the Castillo, the largest structure in Mayapán (Jones 1952, map, Square Q). All three have small single-room buildings. Two of them are designated, whether correctly or not, as "shrines." The term "temple" seems to be more appropriate for the largest, Str. Q-153. Since the three structures are close to each other, it was felt that in addition to increasing our knowledge of the building types they might give some idea of the degree of diversity which might be permitted in so crowded an area. © 2009 by the University Press of Colorado. All rights reserved.

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Book Chapter
