A Lacandon Religious Ritual in the Cave of the God Tsibaná at the Holy Lake of Mensabok in the Rainforest of Chiapas. Translated and edited by Pierre Robert Colas


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In the Maw of the Earth Monster: Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use


This chapter presents for the first time in English an article by Jaroslaw Petryshyn, “Ein Lakandonischer Gottesdienst in der Höhle des Gottes Tsibaná am Heiligen See vonMensabok in den Tropischen Urwäldern von Chiapas,” originally published by the Archiv für Völkerkunde in Vienna (Petryshyn 1968a).¹ I have translated the text from the German, but I have edited it substantially. A section discussing Petryshyn’s plans for a larger ethnographic project has been dropped as irrelevant because it was never completed. Other sections have been expanded with excerpts from a number of Petryshyn’s unpublished articles that relate to caves, religion, and mythology among...

Document Type

Book Chapter
