L’art gravettien sur supports lithiques de la grotte de Gargas (Hautes-Pyrénées, France)


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Conference: L'art au quotidien - Objets ornés du Paléolithique supérieur


Gravettian art on lithic supports in Gargas Cave (Hautes-Pyrénées, France). The Gargas portable art played an important role in the chrono-stylistic attribution of parietal art in the early 20th century. During their excavations in 1911 and 1913, É. Cartailhac and H. Breuil discovered several engraved pebbles and slabs in a Gravettian context. The representations on these objects showed stylistic and technical affinities with those depicted on the walls of the Lower Gallery. Until now, only four slabs had been published by L. Jammes and H. Breuil. We present four other pieces, formerly unpublished, from the Cartailhac-Breuil collection conserved at the Institut de Paléontologie Humaine in Paris (IPH), as well as two new slabs discovered during our excavations at Gargas from 2004 to 2013. The latter enable a clearer contextualization of this portable art from a topographical and chronological perspective.

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