The use of speleothems to better constrain long return period seismic hazard in Lebanon period seismic hazard in Lebanon


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15 World Conference on Earthquake engineering


In the framework of the LIBRIS project (Contribution to seismic risk assessment in Lebanon), a work package is devoted to the use of broken or unbroken speleothems (stalagmites and stalactites) to better characterize the local seismic hazard. This kind of study is particularly interesting in the long return period range, where historical information is far from being sufficient. The proposed approach is based on a previous study by Lacave et al. (2004). Two pilot caves, located north of Beirut, along or close to a major fault, were first selected. Then, in situ measurements of speleothems were done using a 3D laser scan. The data were processed to obtain a detailed sampling of the broken and unbroken speleothem population (number, precise shape). These data are finally used to compute, in a statistical approach, the probability of exceeding, or non exceeding, of a certain level of seismic acceleration in the study area.

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