The Monti Berici: guide of the fieldtrip
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Supplementi di Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria
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The Monti Berici plateau constitutes is the most southern karst morphounit of the Southern Alps and represents a peculiar type of karst. The analysis of its topography, the identification of a the “morphostratigraphymorphostratigraphic framework” of based on the relicts of the planation surfaces and of on the different types of fluvial forms, the recognition of the few elements of chronological significance present in this context, allow for the to delineateion of a preliminary model of the geomorphological evolution of this mountain group. The main morphogenetical elementsgeomorphological types are of fluvial origin and have been influenced not only by the climatic changes, but also by the tectonic uplifting and/or by changes of the base level. The karst landforms have mostly evolved on the relict fluvial forms or in the context of relatively inactive fluvial forms. The age of the main forms extends over a very long time span, probably in of the order of 15 millions years. The preservation of very old forms can be explained by the peculiar geomorphological environment, which was not affected by glacial erosion during the Pleistocene. The comparison of the evolution models of several karst morphounits in the Southern Alps, if compared, helps to understand the differences in their geomorphological styles.
The Monti Berici; plateau; most southern karst morphouni; Southern Alps
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Sauro, Ugo, "The Monti Berici: guide of the fieldtrip" (2005). KIP Articles. 6804.