Značaj monitoringa podzemnih voda u karstu Srbije (Importance of monitoring of karst groundwater in Serbia)


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Publication Date

January 2011


According to some estimates, around 20-25% of the world’s population consumes groundwater originating from karstic aquifers. A similar situation exists in Southeastern Europe and in Balkan countries. Although important, these water resources are the least studied of water resources in Serbia and in most of other neighbouring countries. Systematic research and monitoring is therefore required. Some preliminary calculations which indicate abundant reserves in karst massifs have to be verified and these areas with excellent quality waters protected and preserved as an alternative source for the future water supply. In fact, majority of karstic groundwater is draining from unpopulated mountainous regions, and no other water treatment expects elementary chlorination is required in existing water utilities. The Mlava is one of the very few karstic springs in Serbia where springflow has been observed for a longer period of time (since 1966). Along with Mlava the Hydrometeorological Survey of Serbia since 1995. has started observations on groundwater discharges on 19 other springs. Unfortunately, observations were cancelled until the year of 2006. Following requirements and targets of Water Framework Directive of European Union (EU WFD) and under the International Commission for Protection of Danube River (ICPDR) delineation and characterization of groundwater bodies was successfully implemented in Serbia. Among 208 bodies there are a large number of karstic aquifers, particularly in the eastern and western Serbian regions (Carpathian and Dinaric karst). Beljanica Mountain in the Carpathian karst of eastern Serbia was selected as a study area for the establishment of a pilot monitoring system for studying discharge of springs and groundwater quality under the propositions of EU WFD. Six major springs were monitored in that study area since 2009. with the accent placed on the Mlava and Krupaja spring as a potential source for regional water supply. The water quality characteristics of this important karstic aquifer as pH,

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