Tubiphytes Maslov, 1956 and description of similar organisms from Triassic reefs of the Tethys


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Publication Date

January 2013


Tubiphytes Maslov (Nigriporella Rigby, Shamovella Rauser-Chernoussova) and similar organisms belong to one of the most abundant, enigmatic fossils reported from Carboniferous to Cretaceous rocks of numerous localities worldwide. Tubiphytes has been referred to many distinctly different organisms of the Tethys occurring in shallow water, particularly reef biotopes. Paleozoic Tubiphytes were revised by Senowbari-Daryan and Flügel, and Jurassic-Cretaceous species by Senowbari-Daryan et al. In this paper, the Triassic representatives of Tubiphytes and Tubiphytes-like organisms are described. The morphological and structural differences between the Paleozoic and Triassic Tubiphytes are shown and their systematic position is discussed. The following new species are described: Tubiphytes carnicus, T. ramosus, T. alcicornis, and Plexoramea cylindrica. The new genus Carniphytes is proposed for Tubiphytes multisiphonatus Schäfer and Senowbari-Daryan. Tubiphytes gracilis Schäfer and Senowbari-Daryan is transferred to the genus Plexoramea Mello. All described taxa are relatively abundant in Ladinian-Carnian reefs (e.g., “Wetterstein limestone” of the Alps) and in shallow-water carbonates of the northwestern Tethys. Some of them occur rarely in Anisian or in Norian-Rhaetian reefs.


Tubiphytes, Nigriporella, Shamovella, Plexoramea, Carniphytes, Koivaella, Problematica, Reef, Permian, Triassic, Tethys

Document Type



Facies, Vol. 59 (2013).


