Transmission of δ 13C signals and its paleoclimatic implications in Liangfeng Cave system of Guizhou Province, SW China
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Publication Date
February 2009
A series of samples, including vegetation, soil organic matter, soil waters, spring, bedrock, pool water, drip waters (upper-drip waters and ground-drip waters) and their corresponding speleothems were collected at Liangfeng Cave (LFC) system of Guizhou Province, southwest of China, respectively, from 2003 to 2004 year, then their stable carbon isotopes were measured and analyzed. Results reveal that vegetation is C3 type in LFC system; cave overlying δ 13C signals, including values and variations, could be transmitted to drip water (speleothem); speleothem δ 13C mainly shows a biogenic δ 13C value character (soil CO2 from plant respiration and decay); and there are remarkable seasonal variations of δ 13C values for drip water TDIC (speleothem), which are lighter at least 2.0‰ in the rainy seasons than in the dry ones. So, it could be feasible to reconstruct high-resolution changes of paleoecology and paleoclimate by using speleothem δ 13C values
Speleothems, Liangfeng Cave (LFC), Paleoecology, Paleoclimate
Document Type
Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 59, no. 655 (2009-02-12).
Recommended Citation
Luo, Weijun and Wang, Shijie, "Transmission of δ 13C signals and its paleoclimatic implications in Liangfeng Cave system of Guizhou Province, SW China" (2009). KIP Articles. 5331.