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Publication Date
August 2013
Texas Water Code, §36.108 (d) (Texas Water Code, 2011) states that, before voting on their proposed desired future conditions for a relevant aquifer within a groundwater management area, the groundwater conservation districts shall consider the total estimated recoverable storage as provided by the executive administrator of the Texas Water Development Board(TWDB) along with other factors listed in §36.108 (d). Texas Administrative Code Rule §356.10 (Texas Administrative Code, 2011) defines the total estimated recoverable storage as the estimated amount of groundwater within an aquifer that accounts for recovery scenarios that range between 25 percent and 75 percent of the porosity-adjusted aquifer volume. This report discusses the methods, assumptions, and results of an analysis to estimate thetotal recoverable storage for the Trinity and Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) aquifers within Groundwater Management Area 10. Tables 2 through 5 summarize the total estimated recoverable storage required by the statute. Figures 2 and 3 indicate the official extent of the aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 10 used to estimate the total recoverable storage.
Groundwater Management, Aquifer, Water Quality
Document Type
Vol. 13, no. 33 (2013-08-20).
Recommended Citation
Jones, Ian C.; Shi, Jerry; and Bradley, Robert, "Recoverable Storage for Aquifers in Groundwater Management Area" (2013). KIP Articles. 5083.