On the Definition of a Cave


Rane L. Curl


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Publication Date

January 1964


A cave is a space rather than an object and consequently its defini­tion involves the specification ot' its boundaries. This can be done in various ways for different purposes, but all definitions must involve a minimum dimen­sion, if only to separate "cave" from such contiguous spaces as inten:rystalline pores. It is proposed therefore to specify a defining· dimension or 111or/11/e for a cave and for its entrances. The association of a suitable shape with the module is necessary. Caves 'defined by a module of human size and shape are termed J1roj1er rnves as they are customarily given proper names when accessible. Proper entrances may be defined similarily although proper caves may or may not have proper (and natural) entrances. Because this concept provides a uniform basis upon which other cave prop­erties may be studied, it is useful in applications. In addition it suggests the pos­sibility of reasonably clearly dividing caves into groups according to their mod­ule range.

Document Type



NSS Bulletin, Vol. 26, no. 1 (1964).


