Notes on the predation of an assassin bug by a spider in a Neotropical cave
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Publication Date
January 2020
Intraguild predation have rarely been documented in scientific literature, even though this type of interaction can affect population dynamics and competition. In this study we present an intraguild predation event that occurred at different times, but in the same cave, where we observed spiders of the species Enoploctenus cyclotorax preying on specimens of assassin bug Zelurus diasi. Inside the studied caves, food resources are scarce and populations can be fairly small in size. It is possible, therefore, that these events are the result of ecological pressures imposed by the hypogean environment.
Brazil, Intraguild, Invertebrates, Zelurus, Enoploctenus
Document Type
Subterranean Biology, Vol. 33 (2020-01-17).
Recommended Citation
Bernardi, Leopoldo Ferreira de Oliveira; da Fontoura Sperandei, Vinicius; and Audino, Livio Dorneles, "Notes on the predation of an assassin bug by a spider in a Neotropical cave" (2020). KIP Articles. 3670.