The Mineral Waters of Indiana


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Publication Date

January 2023


WATER A MINERAL.-A mineral is any natural inorganic com- pound having a definite chemical composition. Quartz is an example of such a compound. It exists abundantly in nature, ,and its com- 'ponents are the two elements, silicon and oxyglm, in the proportions of53.3partsof~xygento46.7ofsilicon. Accordingtothesame definition, water is a mineral. It is very widely distributed in nature and in a pure state is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen in the proportions of 11.11 parts of the former to 88.89 of the lattei'. Pure wat()r, however, is known only in the chemical laboratory, the purest form in nature being the vapor as it rises from ocean, stream' or lake. When it condenses and falls as rain or SDlOW, impurities, as carbon dioxide, ammonia, dust, etc., are absorbed from the atmos- phere. The water which falls near the close of a long rain, especially in country regions, is almost free from these impurities. Some springs have also nearly pure water; but to separate all foreign mat- ter from it, water must be distilled. Even then it may contain traces of ammonia or other substance which vaporizes at a lower tempera- ture than the wa:ter itself.


Mineral, Water, Indiana, Geologist

Document Type



Report of State Geologist, Vol. 26 (1903).


