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Publication Date

January 2009

Publication Title

Acta Caroslogica

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The big chamber in Brezno pri Medvedovi konti (Julian Alps, Slovenia), about 150 m wide, over 50 m high and with a volume of about 62 x 104 m3, is the second largest cave chamber yet discovered in Slovenia. Application of FLAC computer software enabled modelling of the stability of the chamber’s arched roof during hypothetical denudational lowering of the overlying surface. Modelling was based on two sets of rock property parameters generally attributed to the local parent rock. In both cases the modelled deformation within the arch was at a minimum at a residual ceiling thickness of 20 to 30 m, whereas collapse occurred when the residual ceiling thickness reduced to about 4 m. These modelling results fit well with field observations of partly collapsed cave chambers.


Carbon, Carbon Flux, Carbon Loading, Cave, Caves, Co2, Coastal Karst, Croatia, Dinaric Karst, Doline Morphometry, Egon Pretner, Epikarst, Exploitation Of Natural Resources, Gypsum, Interpolation, Italy, Karst, Karst Aquifer, Karst Spring, Karstification, Monitoring, Monti Lessini, Palaeokarst, Pivka, Polje, Quaternary, Recharge, Remineralization, Rock Relief, Sink Point, Slovenia, Slovenija, Speleothem, Subsoil Karren, Time Series Analysis, Tracer Test, Uvala, Vadose Zone, Venetian Prealps, Vietnam, Hydrolo

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