Ground-water Resources of Part of Central Texas with Emphasis on the Antlers and Travis Peak Formations


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Publication Date

November 1975


The area covered by this report Includes aU or parts of Bell, Bosque, Brown, Burnel, Callahan, Comanche. Coryell. Eastland, Ellis, Erath, Falls, Hamilton. Hill, Hood, Johnson, Lampasas, lllnestone. Mclennan, Milam, Mills, Navarro, Somervell. Travis, and Williamson Counties In the central part of Texas. It has It population of about 846,000(19701 and an area of 13,888square miles. The economy of this region IS supported principally by Ii!tlt industry, governmental agencIes, and a{P'ieulture. The Cities of Waco and Temple are important manufacturing centers. Irngatlon from grourxhvater SOllrces is practICed In Comanche. Eastland. Erath, and adjacent countIes The productIon of oil and gas also conmbutes to the economy in the northwest and eastern areas. Ground water. used extensively for peanut irrigatIOn, public supply. ,mel mdustry. IS essential to the present and future welfare of the region.


Ground-Water Resources, Central Texas, Antlers, Travis Peak Formations

Document Type



Vol. 1 (1975-11-01).


