Estudio arqueozoológico de los macromamíferos del Neolítico de la Cueva de Chaves
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Publication Date
January 2004
Birds and mammals remains coming from the Neolithic levels of Chaves cave are studied on the present work. Predominance of domestic species is veified, among them to empasize sheep/goat followed by bovine cattle and pig. The faunisttic structure of this sample is compared to those of the main Neolithic sites on the Iberian Peninsula. The. anatomic representation of bones, age and sex distributtio aswell as osteometry of each domestic flock is also analysed to stablish poofit use and explanation patterns of different sivestock components. In the case of the sheep/goat and and bovine cattle is is noticed that some animals are sacrified before the sexual maturity is reached while others are kept until the adult age in order too obtain secondary products such as milk, wool, labor force and reproduction. Regarding the pig, the frecuency of young individuals is higher and therefoe ists explotation has a more primay character. A paleontological study of the different wild species founded in the sample is included, mainly on rabbit remains. Tafonomic analyse of these indicates the character no-antrophic of the most part of the rabbits founded at the site. The list of ae bierds remains is included at the end.
Archeozoology, Neolithic, Aragón, Spain
Document Type
Vol. 4 (2004).
Recommended Citation
Ugarte, Pedro C., "Estudio arqueozoológico de los macromamíferos del Neolítico de la Cueva de Chaves" (2004). KIP Articles. 1795.