The Edwards Aquifer: The Past, Present, and Future of a Vital Water Resource
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Publication Date
September 2019
Multiport monitor wells have been used by the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (BSEACD) to study complex, multilayer, and stacked aquifers in central Texas. Much of the data from water wells that are used for hydrogeological studies are of limited use owing to the thickness of the aquifers, vertical variation in hydraulic properties, and the often-uncertain completion of the wells. To address these concerns, hydrogeologists and engineers have employed various methods, such as installation of nested wells, multilevel completions in a single borehole, and multiport wells. The BSEACD has used multiport wells to determine vertical variations in an aquifer and the hydraulic relationships between stacked aquifers. With multiport wells, properties such as hydraulic head, temperature, hydraulic conductivity, and water quality of discrete units within an aquifer can be determined. The use of multiport wells has shown how portions of the Upper Trinity lithologic units are hydraulically connected to the overlying Edwards lithologic units, and how the Edwards Aquifer is hydraulically isolated from the Middle and Lower Trinity Aquifers.
Multiport Monitor, Trinity Aquafiers, Edwards Aquifer
Document Type
Multilevel monitoring of the Edwards and Trinity Aquifers, Vol. 215 (2019-09-10).
Recommended Citation
Smith, Brian A. and Hunt, Brian B., "The Edwards Aquifer: The Past, Present, and Future of a Vital Water Resource" (2019). KIP Articles. 1654.