
The Journal of Strategic Security (JSS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed professional journal published quarterly by Global and National Security Institute (GNSI) at the University of South Florida with support from the USF Libraries. The Journal provides a multi-disciplinary forum for scholarship and discussion of strategic security issues drawing from the fields of global and national security, international relations, military affairs, and intelligence among others. JSS is indexed in SCOPUS, the Directory of Open Access Journals, several EBSCOhost databases, EuroPub, and ProQuest databases.

Current Issue: Volume 17, Number 2



Progress and Challenges in Combating Corruption in Ukraine: Pathways Forward
Semen Kravtsov, Kostiantyn Orobets, Nataliia Shyshpanova, Oksana Vovchenko, and Olena Berezovska-Chmil

Book Reviews